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I look up at him and raise me eyebrows. "Or what?"

He smirks. "Or I'll tickle you."

I furrow my eyebrows together. "Has Gabe been talking to you?"

Something flashes in Taehyung's eyes and he scratches the back of his neck. "Noooo..."

"Uh-huh..." I say unconvinced. "Why would you talk to Gabe?"

Taehyung blushes.

He's cute when he blushes.

What?! Why'd I think that?!

"Because," He smiles shyly. "I wanted to make this date perfect...I really like you, Jen."

I stare blankly at him. "Uh-huh." I grab the car door handle and try to pull myself back up, but ends up falling back on the concrete.

"What does 'Uh-huh' mean?" Taehyung says, getting up easily. "I really do like you."

He holds his hand out to help me up, but I ignore it. "I don't believe that." I shake my head. "I don't believe that at all."

He sighs, annoyed, and grabs my hand off the ground, and quickly pulls me up. "You should, because it's true." I wobble a little when he pulls me up, but otherwise, I stand pretty still. "I highly doubt that's true." I tell him.

"Fine. Don't believe me. But, someday you'll realize that I really do like you, and you like me back, but it's going to be too late."

I scoff. "Yeah...I'll let you believe that."

I gradually lift my foot off the ground so I can try to start skating, but, I feel myself losing balance and thrash my arms out wildly to try to stop myself from falling again.

"Whoa!" I hear Taehyung yell then I feel his arm around my waist, as he tries to help me stand straight and balanced. "Got it?"

I nod and feel my cheeks heat up with embarrassment.

He chuckles at me. "It's alright. We all fall when we're learning how to skate. Instead of lifting your foot, try to use your weight to move forward."

I nod and try to lean forward, but my feet have a mind of their own and start flailing, and Taehyung tries to grab me, we both end up falling on our butts.

We both sit there, staring into the empty parking lot for a second, then start cracking up laughing. I don't know why, but his laughter, makes me want to laugh more. It's contagious. We keep laughing, at just plain nothing, for about ten more minutes. This is the most I've laughed in years. I laughed so much, that tears start flowing from my eyes.

When we finally stop laughing, I notice that he's staring at me. And it's not the 'Hey, what are you staring at stalker!' stare. It's a 'He's about to kiss me.' stare.

I feel my heart speed up, and I mentally curse my heart for feeling this way. I can't kiss him!

He moves his hand up and strokes my cheek with his thumb.

"You're so beautiful, Jennie." He says in a low voice, that I've never heard him speak in before.

I feel my cheeks start to burn again.

It's like I'm in a trance...or maybe someone has taken over my body, because I start to lean into his touch.

He smiles at me, and at that moment, I feel my heart melting.

What?! No! I can not have these feelings!

He starts leaning into me and I freeze.

"No." I say faintly.

✔The Nerd And The Jerk [Taennie Adaption]Where stories live. Discover now