Chapter 1

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Stefan should've known it was going to blow up in his face the second Klaus suggested he help dagger Kol. Particularly after how everything went down the last time he'd helped Klaus to dagger one of his siblings. That creeping feeling of trepidation had only grown when Elena too had come to him with her own plan. Two conflicting plans all to put down one Original for a cure that had apparently already led to two separate massacres. He was starting to wonder whether it was worth it if it demanded such a high price just to find it. What would happen when it was finally within their grasp?


"I don't wanna just dagger Kol, I want Jeremy to kill him." Elena's words had already registered before Stefan foolishly tried to disguise them with the revving of his bike.

Really mate? You should know better, had the 20s taught you anything? He wasn't some common halfling vampire that could be stumped by mere parlor tricks. It appeared he'd grown soft, let the Mystic Fools believe they were safe from retribution after all their plots against him, especially Finn's death. Well, it was time he rectified that. He'd already lost one brother after keeping him safely tucked away for 900 hundred years, he wouldn't let their hubris take another from him.

Damon's death had been swifter than he'd liked but the young vampire had never seen it coming and that was what had mattered in the moment. Time was of the essence to save his little brother, he'd already lost his youngest, the Other Side wouldn't claim Kol as well. So one second he'd been beyond the barred door and the next he was in front of the weakened vampire. Damon had barely enough time to turn at the sound of the door screeching open before he was dead, and Klaus was gone.

"If you're going to threaten me again Klaus, you can save your breath." Were the first words out of Kol's mouth before he'd even had a chance to speak.

"It seems your paranoia has gotten ahead of you, brother." Klaus ignored the scoff and muttered 'You'd know' that followed. "The Gilbert's are planning to kill you."

The line went deadly silent as Kol came to a stop, Klaus could just hear the grinding of his brother's teeth over the line but that was enough for him to picture the murderous expression he must be adorning.

"Are they now?"

For all the Mystic Falls bunch believed him to be the biggest monster, it was Kol that had garnered the more volatile and bloodied reputation in the supernatural world of the two. It was Kol that the older sirelings feared. The ones that were old enough to have seen the Originals in the flesh, to have watched the myths about them be born. The ones that knew if Kol had appeared at your door then no amount of pleading would save you. Kol was no wolf, he had no need for the extended chase that Klaus had subjected Katherine to. The hunt only served to amp up the fear and apprehension in Kol's eyes.

Because Kol had been a witch - not a wolf - before their turning he knew that the torment was what really made the death significant, it was the suffering beforehand that ensured the earth would be scorched with the magic of their death. And it was something that Kol specialized in as a vampire.

"Well, you can forget about suggesting I return the daggers for my own safety. With the way you've all been fumbling over yourselves for this cure for your darling former blood bag, I don't trust that you won't just serve my daggered body over to them. This cure has clearly blinded you to any sibling loyalty you once felt." And with that, the line went dead.


Kol hated this blasted town. As if it wasn't sickening enough to return to their twice birthplace, then all that he'd endured while here was more of Klaus' infuriating games. He was sick of playing a role in everyone else's games. Don't kill the quarterback, don't kill the Salvatore sirelings, don't harm the doppelganger, don't speak of the sirelines. Well fuck that. He wasn't going to die for Nik's precious ploys like Finn. Honestly, the arrogance of a fledgling vampire and a baby hunter to think they could take on him? He'd decimated whole villages before their supposed founders had even been born.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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