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I kept my demeanor calm and tried to suppress the uneasiness that crept into me when Joe told every one that the building wasn't unpopular only because of its isolated location.
Other four gave a loud chortle finding Joe's story about the architecture funny, but not me.
I don't like practical jokes. Not the ones which has horror elements.

The sun sheepishly said bye as it disappeared behind the clouds and the cool breeze slowly swishing through the lawn before it disappeared in the long teak trees that gave eerie sound as its leaves rustle among themselves.

We were settled on the table outside the main building in the lawn on the wooden table. Dimly lighted area was one of its kind in the locality with stretches of teak forest to follow for miles down the road.

In the far nook you can also see the swimming pool. Water. Clear and Innocent. Absolutely doesn't comply with Joe's story that how a six-year old died in it. And thereafter the place is abandoned.
I wouldn't have preferred it to be my location for summer outing had I known it. Nope. Not my choice.

Loud sound of Samuel's cutlery brought me back to the table where everyone gave least heed to the story of the dead but I couldn't help but keep glancing the pool from the corner of the eye.

Oh! David is winking at me now. Thinking I'm side-eyeing him. Forget it.

An hour or so passed, the night cloud took over the area and the cold breeze now seemed chilly, when finally the group decided we should move inside.

"I'll take the last room."

"I'll take the first."

"I will be playing so anywhere is fine ."


"We will get our own rooms? Like individually?" I asked playing casual.

"You can share with me if you want, Deven," David smirked and gave a slight wink at me.

It's more funny than seducing but i should avoid laughing at his face.

"I thought we could play or watch a movie or something.. umm...together," I suggested without sounding weird.

Joe declared in his vibrating voice, "Ah! I will pass. I'm way too tired to be awake now. I'll sleep." Without listening he accelerated inside disappearing in the darkness.

All four shrugged and moved inside. I follow. Expeditiously.

Not this room. Damn it. The room on the first floor landed on me as I was too lazy to choose early.

The floor board creaked a little under my weight just as I entered the room and closed the door behind me.
Grim darkness partnered with dull silence engulfed me.

Moon light glittering through the large glass windows, currently opened making the blinds blow in the air lightly. I could've remarked it as aesthetic and take a picture for my pinterest board but it couldn't have been the first thing on my mind. A slight glance on the outside gave the unlikely view on the swimming pool.

The one where a six-year old died. No the one reflecting pleasant moonlight.

I closed the windows and covered it with the blinds. It made the room pitch dark. I stumbled over and hit my pinky toe in the corner of the bed before landing on the table with matches and candles.

In the torch light of my phone i managed to light some almost over candles.

No. These experience of primitive in the modern era. Na-huh. Ain't pretty.

Tossing over my shoes i jumped on the bed to not feed my thinking any further, i pulled the covers upto my ears making sure nothing penetrates the shield of the cotton sheets.

I couldn't say I even dozed as the slight din made me disoriented. Pulling my head up i could see the footsteps descending away from beneath the door and the candles blown out.

Probably one of my friends? Seeing me asleep blew the candle out? Yes. Probably.

Not sparing much minutes, again I snuggled beneath the covers putting a pillow over my ear. Not disturbing my sleep.

Unlatching sound it was. Yes. Again getting disturbed from my slumber I opened my eyes. The unlatched windows and open blinds.

I stayed like that for a while with my eyes slightly open and surely red. I was alseep.

Not a fan of waking up untimely.

I locked it? I did? I didn't?

Tumbling over the thoughts i peeped outside intensely, my nose pressing flat against the glass. No one.
The pool also stayed with its calm water.

How that calmness gulped the life of a six-year old?

I fastened the latch mindfully this time and speedily moved towards the bed.

I lost the count of minutes I spared before again falling asleep and keenly observing for any movements around the window.

Damn it.

I sit up straight with the pillow on the ground and a thick band of sweat on my forehead and upper lips my breath frantic.

The windows wide open. Moonlight again shimmering the room like before.

I closed it. I surely closed it.

Shaking steps and heavy breaths accompanied me as i ascended towards the window. Little by little i peeped outside to find a source to explain it.


Should I call everyone? Nuh. They'll make fun. Maybe the latch came off because of the wind?

I closed the windows. Again.

The thought to be made the fun of prevented me from going out and calling for help. Ugh!

Sleep was no where near now. With pillow still thrown on the floor and the sheets loosely around my feet, stayed as me.

In search of the miscreant i stayed awake, probably one of them is pulling a prank? 

Human tiredness took over with my eyes falling shut.

I couldn't breath. But i cannot catch anyone. Is it the pillow? Yes. Yes it is the same pillow I threw on the ground before pressed so tightly on my face. I couldn't hold anyone as my hands tried to grab the person trying to suffocate me.
No one. I could feel my last of the breaths leaving my gut when i made a powerful move and was thrown on the wooden floor.

I rushed outside shouting like a maniac, calling every names out. Not actually realizing not all the person I named were even present in the house.

I was welcome with the messy hairs and flabbergasted looks on the faces.
Lilly and Jacob seemed they were asleep. Joe's with his sheet mask and hairs pulled up in a bun, while David in his boxers just with his head phones on.

With his glistening toned body in full view. But that's not the concern right now.

"What happened?"

They asked in unison. Not intended though.

Recital of my so called paranormal experience started. But no one seemed to be buying it.

Before anyone could feed me about dreaming it all, I dragged them.

In the room. Windows and the blinds wide open. Again.
I glanced at everyone. But they just shrugged.

Shouldn't have.

We moved to the windows staring out side into the oblivion marking no one in the view.

"Hey what's that?" Joe pointed towards the footprints coming out of the pool reaching towards my window.

Only to find our jaws on the ground as it was discovered it wasn't water marks.
It's blood. That too fresh.

The print. It's small, a kid's. Like a six-year old.

Our heartbeats dropped when the door slammed shut behind us all.



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