Chapter Three

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(Harper's POV)

"So how was your first day of school Isaac?" Talia asked him at the dinner table.

"It was so fun! I drew a drawing of a puppy and a kitty and my teacher said it was really good!" Isaac smiled.

"That's great! and how was your day, Harper?" She asked me.

"It wasn't too bad. Besides my First period, the English teacher is a Bitch, Her last name also happens to be, 'Bich'." I said to her.

"HAHA, that's hilarious. But I wouldn't take her too seriously, It seems like all of the English teachers are bitchy." Talia replied, taking a bite of ramen.

Later that night:

That night after Isaac went to bed, me and Talia ate ice cream and watched a smutty movie together.

"Woah that's allowed in an R-rated movie?" I asked in shock.

"Apparently..dang." Talia started to blush.

"Oh my gosh does this embarrass you?" I teased.

"Shut up...It's weird watching these kinda things with my little sister, I'm gonna have to get used to it." She replied.

"Okay okay..." I laughed.

Changing the subject, and trying to avoid the sensual scene on the TV, Talia asked me, "So, Did you meet any new people today?"

"Well, I met this girl named Luna, the kind of girl you probably don't want me hanging around." I laughed.

"Let me guess, punk, colored hair, swears a lot and probably does a fair share of illegal substances?"

"Yes, Yes, yes, and maybe? I haven't gotten to know her enough yet." I replied.

"Well, I don't care what you do as long as you use common sense, and.. please try to get your school done too. I'm not gonna sound like some crazy strict parent here, but, just try to apply yourself, it'll pay off in the long run." She said to me.

"Okay, I'll try to...apply myself. And I'm not gonna go smoke crack or anything like that. You don't have to worry about that stuff, I've seen what it's done to Dad's brain..." I replied quietly.

"Thank you, sis." She smiled.

"Think nothing of it," I replied.

"Oh! I also met a guy, Didn't catch his name, but he seemed pretty nice." I said.

"Oooh? Well, what's he like? Is he cute?" She asked, her eyes widened and excited.

"Oh my god, no, I called his girlfriend a bitch, then apologized and that was why he seemed cool. Not because I like him or whatever. I don't have any interest in relationships anymore." I replied.

"Oh. Well, Okay then. I'm not even going to ask about the bitch thing but, cool I guess?" She laughed.

(Alex's POV)

Science class the next day:

"Hey Alex, Do I stink? I didn't get a chance to shower today." Sam asked me from his seat.

"Nah, you smell fine," I replied to him.

(Harper's POV)

The teacher, Mrs. Carole, Sat down and began to give her lecture.

"So, class, as most of you know... Um, you're probably beginning to feel, different feelings than you used to. You may be more moody, or maybe suffering from depression, and these things all probably started for you at the beginning of puberty. But now, they may seem more elevated than they used to. And that's because you're entering a new stage of life, a stage where you may wish to take place in, *eh em* fornication.." She stuttered a lot, making the class a lot more awkward than it had to be.

"Anyways, fornication and reproduction can be a very um... repulsive topic, so we aren't going to be using any vulgar or explicit language, or be showing any kind of explicit imagery, but you can ask for some.. uhh.. rubber protectors at the end of the class, if you wish.."

"Wait, So the creation of human life is a vulgar subject?" I Stood up and asked loudly.

"Excuse me?" Mrs. Carole exclaimed.

"Why would words like 'penis', 'vagina', and 'Sexual intercourse' Be considered vulgar? I'm sure most of you in this class could stand up and say that you were born from two humans who came together and made you!" I stated clearly.

"Miss Whitlock, you have some nerve using words like that in my classroom, it's quite disrespectful." Mrs. Carole scolded.

"Vagina," Luna replied with a pissed-off smirk, and patting my back to show I had her full support.

Mrs. Carole was completely shocked and steaming, and almost called the principal to send me and Luna to detention when something crazy happened.

"Sex is a beautiful thing when you think about it. If in a consensual, peaceful environment, it is one of the purest forms of intimacy, if not the most. It isn't anything to be ashamed or disgusted by." A guy stated from the other side of the class. It was the guy whose girlfriend I called a bitch. Alex, I believe his name is.

"Okay, well, Um..." Mrs. Carole was speechless.

"This seems to be causing diversion so Let's just move on to the next subject, which is plant science." She said, changing the topic. Everyone rolled their eyes.

"Thank you." I mouthed to Alex from the back of the classroom.

"No problem." He mouthed back.

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