27 - They tried to make me go to rehab

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Nervous wasn't a sufficient word to describe what I felt the following day, when Harry drove me to the rehab facility, where Liv was staying. He held my hand while we drove, allowing me to sit in silence and look at the city flashing by. 

"Are you coming in with me?" I asked as I traced an eagle tattoo on his lower arm with my index finger. 

"Of course," he said and smiled at me when I looked up at him. 

"And we'll make sure to keep our distance, right?" I felt bad for asking him to pretend we weren't fooling around. "I promise I'll tell her soon, I just can't do it when she's in rehab. It feels like kicking someone who's already down for the count." 

He sighed and pressed his lips together, before he nodded. "I wish we didn't have to, but yes, we'll wait until you feel it's time to tell her." 

Mentally I made a note to remember to ask him what exactly it was I was going to tell Liv. What were we anyway? I wasn't going to force him to label anything, it seemed like he might be slightly allergic towards labels. But I refused to be his fuck-buddy. I wasn't going to make any dramatic demands and ultimatums, I just didn't want to be one of many. That wasn't my kind of thing. I was a 'one guy, commitment and monogamy'- kinda gal. 

"You disappeared on me for a moment there," Harry's words pulled me back to reality. 

"Sorry, my mind was racing," I smiled at him, but went back to looking out the window while humming a tune.

After a few moments Harry chuckled. "Oh my god, El. Are you humming "Rehab" by Amy Winehouse?"

"Shit, I am. It's been on my mind since you told me Liv was going to rehab. I've been singing and humming it for days."

Harry tried to hold back a laugh, but immediately started whistling the tune. I gave him a serious look, but I couldn't keep it up and cracked up at the irony of things.

"They tried to make me go to rehab, but I said no, no, no..." We sang together. Somehow it loosened me up a bit and took some of the top off my nerves. That was until we drove up to the facility, which from the outside looked mostly like a country club. Not that I had ever been to one myself, but this building resembled those you saw in series and movies. There was an exclusiveness to the place, obviously it wasn't for your regular Janes and Joes. Harry parked his big, expensive Audi next to rows of other expensive looking cars.

"Can I kiss you before we go in?" He asked courteously and I nodded with a giggle. He leaned in and buried his hand in my hair. Then he pulled me closer and kissed me until my mind compete for excitement with the butterflies in my stomach. "And one more for the ride..." He said and kissed me again. "I promise to keep my hands off you from now on." 

I scoffed and thanked him for going along with my wish. I really didn't want to freak Liv out any more than she already was. Harry ran around the car and opened my door, while I rummaged around with my handbag. He held out his hand to help me out of the car, but I just rolled my eyes at him. 

"I can manage, Harry," I said. He shrugged and put his hand back in his pocket, while I put my bag in the bottom of the car and only brought my ID and my phone. There was no need to bring the entire bag. Then I swung my legs out and almost fell out of the car when my foot got stuck in the strap of my bag. Harry crouched and caught me before I fell, making a very big deal out of looking at me like I was full of shit. I huffed and covered my eyes with embarrassment. 

"What were you saying?" He said with a smirk that made me want to punch him. 

"Absolutely nothing," I said and gave him a defiant look. "I was just checking your reflexes." 

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