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~Jennie's P.O.V.~

"Who's she?" Is the first words that came out of Gabe's mouth when he saw, Julia.

I open my mouth to tell him, but, Julia interrupts me. "She, Is Julia."

Gabe raises his eyebrows and takes a seat next to me on my bed.

"Well, Jennie." He says, making it known that he's talking to me. "Who's Julia?"

I roll my eyes. "Julia, is going to help us get back at, Taehyung."

"Nini, why do we need her? We can do it by ourselves." He says, lowering his voice.

"Hello? I'm right here in the room."

I look over at, Julia, who's spinning around in the office chair, that's across from where Gabe and I are sitting, and give her a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry for his rudeness. He hasn't learned how to be considerate."

Gabe pinches my upper arm. "That was mean, Jen."

I rub my arm and fake glare at him. "No, that was mean, Gabriel." I pinch his arm and he just smirks. "That didn't hurt." He sticks his tongue out at me.

"So childish." I mumble.

He puts his hand over his heart. "How dare you call me childish! I am not a child!"

I laugh. "I know you're not, but you act like one!"

I turn my head when I hear Julia, busting up laughing. "It's like watching a T.V show. Are you two always like this?" She asks.

Gabe shrugs. "Yeah, I guess." He says blankly then turns to me and gives me a serious look...The very look that I hate. "Can I talk to you? " His eyes glance at Julia for a second. "Privately?"

I furrow my eyebrows together. "Sure...?"

I stand up and try to ignore Julia's piercing, questioning glare, and walk out of my room, into the hallway.

Gabe follows behind me and closes my door. "Who is she?" He says in a whisper.

I roll my eyes. "Julia, duh."

He scoffs. "Well, I know that. I mean, what is she doing here?"

I cross my arms over my chest. "Long story short, I went on a walk to the park, saw Taehyung flirting with her, decided to act like his girlfriend and embarrass Taehyung and make him out like a cheater, then she got mad and took me to Pearson's Ice Cream shop and apologized, I told her the truth and she wanted to help." "I don't like her." He says almost immediately after I finish. "Something seems off about her."

I raise my eyebrows. "Why? What's wrong with her?"

His cheeks become pink. "I just..I just don't" He mumbles and looks at his shoes like they're the most interesting thing.

"Gabe...What's wrong? You're not normally like this."

Gabe shrugs and turns his head away from me.

"You're acting like you're jealous.." I say slowly, then my mouth drops whenever he blushes again. "You are, aren't you? Why would you be jealous?"

He sighs and scratches the back of his neck with his hand. "I'm a guy, Jen. Most girls will not have a guy as their best friend. Normally it's a girl."

"But-" I start to interrupt him, but he interrupts me.

"When Monica still lived here, who did you favor?"

Monica. That's easy. But, I can't tell him that.

"I-I, um."

"Exactly. Monica. I was just there. " He walks closer to me and places his hands on my shoulders. "Jennie, Monica broke up with me two days ago." I open my mouth to say something, but he keeps talking. "She said that she can't do the 'Long Distance Relationship' anymore. I can't lose you either." That's not like Monica.

I've known Monica all my life...And when I say all my life, I mean, all my life. I was born in the same hospital as her, around the same time. We used to walk around her house in diapers at the age of three. When we were seven, we met Gabe at the playground. Gabe always liked Monica, even though he would call me Nini, he still only would have eyes for her.

They started dating when they were fourteen and have been together since...Even when Monica's Dad made her move to Ohio with him.

"I'm not going to replace you, Gabe. I promise." I wrap my arms around him in a hug. "And I'm sorry about Monica. I really am."

He laughs and hugs me back. "Don't. I knew it was going to happen sooner or later." He lays his chin on top of my head. "Although, I feel sorry for her."

I furrow my eyebrows together. "Why...?"

"Because," He lets me go and backs up and smirks the smirk that I love so much. "She just lost the most handsome dude in the world."

There's my Gabe.

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