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~Jennie's P.O.V.~

Ah, another day of school.

Yippee. (note the sarcasm)

I'm not in a good mood today.

My parents fought all night, about my Dad not coming home hardly at all during the week.

Leaving me, with black circles under my eyes and less the three hours of sleep.

Thanks, Mom and Dad! You all love me so much!

My flip flops, flop against the tile floor as I make my way to my locker. I decided not to wear heels, because I don't know if I would be able to survive wearing them or not.

I dodge the football that Max, threw to Jordan, who's both on the football team.

"Oops, sorry, Jennie!" Max apologizes to me.

Max is in Spanish class with me and sits besides me and I don't know Jordan that well...I just see him playing football or walking around the halls every once in a while.

I smile quickly at him. "It's okay." I say then keep walking, not wanting to talk to anyone. I jump when I feel hands cover my eyes.

"Gabe, not this again." I put my hands over his and try to take them off. "It's a good thing I'm not wearing glasses anymore, because you'd smear them and then I'd kick your butt, Gabriel."

I freeze whenever I hear him laugh. "Princess, I would love it if you'd kick my butt." He leans close to my ear and whispers. "And I would enjoy it too."

I hate myself when shivers go through my body. "T-Taehyung?"

"Hm, you like that, Baby?" He whispers in my ear again. "Because there can be more where that came from."

I feel heat creep up on my cheeks and anger drop in my stomach like a bomb.

"Don't call me that." I snap. "And, no, I do not want 'more', nor will I ever want more. Now let me go." I try to push his hands off my face.

"But, Princess. You are my girlfriend after all. I would assume you would like me doing that."

I blush more after hearing my words catch me back in the butt.

"I-I'm not your girlfriend." "Uh-huh....Just like I cheated on you...Right?" He turns me around so I face him. "Listen here, I know what you're doing. I'm not dumb."

"But, it's your fau-"

"You got your payback. I had to pay four hundred dollars, Jennie." He says interrupting me. "Why do you need to do anything else to me? My friends are making fun of me." The hurt in his eyes is stabbing me in the stomach.

He takes a step back from me and holds his arms out. "What else can you do to me, huh? You took my reputation, my money, my dignity, and my Dad. Anything else? Want to humiliate me anymore?"

I gulp, suddenly feeling my mouth dry, and my mind blank. "N-no. I-I didn't-"

"Of course you didn't." He interrupts me. "You don't know anything."

I take in his profile. He looks like he hasn't slept for days and for some reason, he has a little cut right below his eye.

I feel like a witch.


I turn around and see Julia, standing behind me, glaring at Taehyung, but glances at me with confusion written on her face.

"Is everything okay?" I turn back around to look at Taehyung, and he raises an eyebrow. "Yeah, Jennie. Is everything okay?"

Julia, comes up next to me and links her arm through mine. "Taehyung, just leave her alone. Why do you always have to pick on her?"

His jaw clenches. "I don't know." He says through clenched teeth and staring at me like he's glaring through my soul. "I have to go to class. Have a fabulous day, Princess." Taehyung spits out the word 'Princess', like it's a disease or something, then turns on his heels as the bell rings and walks away.

I watch him walking away, until I can't see him anymore, feeling the words 'I'm sorry', in my throat, but it doesn't make its way up, because all I keep thinking is that it's not my fault.

"What a jerk. Come on, we're going to be late and you need to show me to my first class." Julia says excitedly, bringing me back to school.

"I, um. okay."

She goes on talking about how Gabe was waiting for me, and how he couldn't wait for me anymore because some teacher got onto him for something he did wrong, but I wasn't listening. I'm too busy thinking about Taehyung.

The rest of the day feels like I'm in a fog. I can't concentrate, and for some reason, I keep feeling a horrible stabbing pain in my stomach. Is what I'm feeling called, guilt?

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