Part : 2 At Fault

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Author POV

The next day after gaining his consciousness, the first thing Lan qiren did was that he wrote a letter to Jiang fengmian, for his presence.

Jaing fengmian, Jiang cheng, Lan qiren and Lan xichen was in conference room.

"So you are saying, they both eloped?" exclaimed Jiang fengmian, whose face was extremely confused.

"Sect Leader Jiang, I was not present there, but according to what I found out later is that Wei-gongzi confessed to Wangji in Lanshi, right infront of everyone!" replied Lan xichen.

Lan xichen could barely believe anything. Even if Lan zhan liked Wei wuxian, his brother should have told him, he surely could have helped him. But why slept before even courting but when did they even slept together? That was the very first day of Wei wuxian in cloud recesses. Just how? Just when? Lan xichen felt like fainting.

"But a-xian just arrived in Gusu, how could they confessed? Eloping is something out of question!" said Jiang fengmian.

"I am not sure about certain things!" said Lan xichen with a awkward smile.

"This was all Wei Wuxian fault, he tainted my nephew, i shouldn't have asked Wangji to join classes!" cried out Lan qiren as he coughed blood.

"This was all Lan Wangji fault!" exclaimed Jiang cheng with resentment.

"This was all Wei wuxian fault!" shouted Lan qiren.

"Lan Wangji fault!" shouted back Jiang cheng.

"Jiang-gongzi, please calm down!" exclaimed Lan xichen as his uncle condition was not good at that time but received a glare in return.

"That, Wei Wuxian would have manipulated my nephew!" mumbled Lan qiren but to his bad, Jiang cheng heard him.

"That Wangji of your must have manipulated my brother to sleep with him!" yelled Jiang cheng and this time Jiang fengmian coughed blood.

"S-Sleep?" Jiang fengmian turned pale as he heard his son.

"Wangji can barely talk, how could he manipulate Wei-gongzi?" exclaimed Lan xichen who felt like crying.

"So you are saying Wei wuxian manipulated him?" questioned Jiang cheng as his face was already dark.

"I didn't mean th—"

"Yes, that Wei wuxian is a known flirt he must have done something to my nephew!" shouted Lan qiren, coughing more blood.

"He only flirt from distance, he never even kissed anyone aside from the donkey he kissed in drunken state!" shouted Jiang cheng, this time more loudly.

"He harrassed a innocent defenceless donkey! So he would have harrassed my nephew too!" exclaimed Lan qiren and Jiang cheng felt like chocking him to death, before he could work on his feelings a disciple came and greeted them.

"Sect Leader Lan, Lan-er-gongzi and Wei-gongzi is back!" informed a disciple as Jiang cheng immediately rushed outside.

Wei wuxian was wearing a cheeky smile, waiving his hands at Jiang cheng, standing in the hall.

"Cheng cheng, did you missed me?" asked Wei wuxian raising his eyebrows.

"You, idiot—" as Jiang cheng was going to curse his brother but his sight landed on Wei wuxian's exposed neck, what was covered with many dark purple hickeys, seeing the condition of Wei wuxian, his expression turned more darker than before.

"WTF, Lan Wangji!" shouted Jiang cheng, looking at Lan zhan, who was shining brightly while Wei wuxian could barely stood up since, Lan zhan was supporting his hand on his beloved backs.

*Sob*, Jiang cheng and Lan zhan frozed hearing the sobbing sound.

Wei wuxian was covering his face with both of his hands, the other two male panicked, he slightly remove his hands and send a wink to Lan zhan, who immediately understood his beloved intentions.

"Jiang cheng don't shout at Lan zhan, if you don't want to see us, we can leave!" with that Wei wuxian run from there and also wiped his imaginary non-existent tears on the way.

Lan zhan followed his beloved. While Jiang cheng stood there, dumbfounded. It was his first time seeing Wei wuxian cry, more than that, because of him.

After some time, Jiang cheng moved from his place and went inside, Lan xichen was talking with Lan zhan and Wei wuxian was talking with Jiang fengmian.

"Jiang cheng, what you did with a-xian?" questioned Jiang fengmian after noticing Jiang cheng presence.

"I didn't anything, how could have i known if he was having mood swings!" blunt out Jiang cheng although he was slightly guilty for making Wei wuxian cry.

"Cheng cheng you are being mean!" exclaimed Wei wuxian making weird faces.

"It's not going to happen!" shouted Lan qiren coughing a handful amount of blood again.

"What's not going to happen?" asked Wei wuxian, blinking innocently.

"You can't marry him, i won't allow this!" yelled Lan qiren at Lan zhan and Wei wuxian smirked but then made a helpless face as he clutched into Jiang cheng sleeves, like he has been wrong.

"So you are saying after everything he did, he is not going to take responsibility?" snapped Jiang cheng, seeing his extremely wronged brother condition.

"Wangji did noting wrong!" exclaimed Lan qiren however another yelling could be heard.

"After doing everything to my brother, he did nothing wrong? Lan Wangji has to take Wei wuxian responsibility. First he didn't even court my brother now he wouldn't take responsibility? Ridiculous! They are going to marry right now!" yelled Jiang cheng, Lan qiren could see his whole world shattered right infront of his eyes.

"Jiang-gongzi, don't mind shufu, he is not well. I will immediately arrange a bouquet. But it will take a week atleast, Wangji is my only brother, i need to do many things!" said Lan xichen with a pleasing smile.

"You better do it fast!" exclaimed Jiang cheng as he dragged Wei wuxian with him from there, who sent a flying kiss to his beloved behind his brother back. Leaving extremely happy Twins Jade, a confused Jiang fengmian and a unconscious Lan qiren.

"Ouch, Cheng cheng you are hurting me!" exclaimed Wei wuxian and Jiang cheng released his hands. The only thing angry lotus couldn't understand was that, since when his brother turned soo sensitive? He needed f*cking explanation!

In the end, Jiang cheng didn't said anything to Wei wuxian but brought him to healers.

The healer was slightly shocked, seeing the well decorated neck of Wei wuxian, a teenage boy. However the healer gave him some pain reducing pills and medicine to apply on his hickeys.

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