Chapter 1: A Djinny Loves To Monkey Around!

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Chapter 1: A Djinny Loves To Monkey Around!

What is with...All this sand...The sun is really hitting my eyes...Where even am I..? Should I wake up or.....I'm pretty tired...I think a few more minutes wont hurt.."-y! -an you hear me?" I heard from a girl's voice, "(Who's...?) *gets pecked on the forehead, waves it away* O-ok ok Im waking up! Cant get a good nap? = = *opens my eyes, seeing a big pair of tan boobs in my face* ! Holy-! How're they not spilling out? @ @;" I react, "Uhh maybe because I have a good bra. e e What's your deal? Are you new here?" she asked, "I guess...? My head's hazy...I cant remember much..> <" I answer, "Sleep-nesia? Just give it a few and you'll be good. The name's Sky. Can you help out?" she then asks me, "W-with what? *looks down at her, seeing her whole bikini get-up* (Would she..Need help finding something less revealing? > >)" I ask back, "We have a...Situation happening now. It's killing our vacation. Cmon, I'll explain later" she insists, pulling me, having me following her, and I feel some dangling between my legs...AM I NAKED TOO?!! I really need to get to the bottom of all this! I really need some clothes too. It'd explain how she's hiding her blush..>///>;;;;

Sky brings me to a tall lighthouse. As if on cue to our arrival, a purple monkey girls climbs from the top of it. "Aww is this your best friend? ouo" I ask, "Yeah and it looks like I'm not the only one that needs clothes e e" she replied, "! D-Did your monkey friend just talk?! What's going on around here!? O O;;" I react, "Relax, I've just been stuck like this for a few days...My name's Shantae..Maybe he can help me find the girls that did this to me, Sky. He seems mysterious enough. *hears an explosion from afar* UKIII!! Not Scuttletown! I gotta do something! O O;;;;" she reacts, running to towards the town ahead, "I'll get Bolo and Rotty! Help out however you can, new guy!" Sky urges me, running ahead too, "(I-I dont even know what I do about this! Why's everything flipping on it's head on me?! I mean with her being a small monkey I guess Im more helpful, but not by much! > <;)" I thought to myself, following Shantae in the puny form she's in as the town fires grew more in the horizon, giving my gut a sinking feeling. How she's not scared in the slightest is beyond me! TT TT

Many citizens run in fear from the terror of a bigger lady with long green hair, tan oily skin, exotic red clothing and several golden hoops floating on her limbs as she skipped while flinging fireballs where ever she went. "This is bad! Who is she?! *sees three girls blown out of the explosions, landing on their faces with their brooms falling on them* It's you three! You were in my room the other day! You turned me into this didnt you?! ovo;" Shantae suspects, "W-we're sorry! We just wanted to have some fun with Djinny Jaya! Now she's hogging alot of the fun from us! TTnTT" one of the girls said, "Those clothes...You three are witches, right?" I surmised, "Witches? Is that what they are?" Shantae said in uncertainty, "Hello hello! Are you this Shantae girl I've heard so much about? Let's be friends! ^u^" Jaya said, "Not after you keep messing up the town I'm supposed to protect! I'll make you pay for that! *looks behind her, seeing a familiar pirate* RISKY?! You're siding with her of all people?! You just dont know when to quit! OVO" Shantae reacts, "Allow me, Djinny. I'll show a lil' ol' friend some new tricks her favorite pirate picked up \u/" Risky Boots told her, "Oooooo a friendly rivalry? My fav! I just know this'll be a good show, Risky ouo *makes popcorn appear and eats some of it* Dont slouch or I'll boom-kill you~ ^u^" she told her, "Trust me. I wont miss...! \U/" Risky replied, making fireballs appear in her hand, "(S-since when could she do that? O O;) *jumps out of the way of them after they're thrown, ends up with a burning tail, hopping in place while grabbing it* Uikiikikiii Ukikikiii TToTT" Shantae cried out. This must be new for the both of us. How am I supposed to help now? I dont have magic powers or anything! I'll be cooked in no time! TT3TT "What's the matter, Shantae~? You ready to give up before I take over the town for ya? eue" Risky was taunting, "*blows out the fire and turns to her* Not on your life, Risky! OVO;; Hey quick, throw me at her! >V>" Shantae urged me, "I-If it'll help! o o;" I reply, lifting her up and pitching her at Risky Boots with a surprising amount of recoil, knocking me back at the same time as she knocked down Risky with a charged tackle to the face with blue aura around her. "Ouch! That's gotta sting! >uo" Jaya reacts, carefree as ever. I know that wasnt my strength at all..Where'd that power come from..."*holds face with a hand* Drrrrgh! You always find a way to get the best of me! Well you aren't beating me this time, you filthy monkey! *hears footsteps from behind, seeing Shantae's friends arriving* Extra help eh? Not that this will- *sees Rottytops and Jaya swinging each other around, with Rotty flying back after a few seconds with her arms coming off, both sharing a laugh from it* Jaya! Stop fooling around! You're supposed to help me destroy this place so I can take over and rob them of their goods! oVo" Risky Boots yells, "Hahahah, sorry! I found a new friend to play with! Who knew a zombie girl could be so much fun to play with. I think Im good for today ouo" Jaya replied, "WHAT?! @v@;;; *sees her warp away* Drat! How dare she leave me like that! The nerve! *looks over to the witch girls* Get off your lazy buns and help me beat this Not-So-Genie brat!" Risky ordered them, "Not while we're here! Bolo, throw me at them!" Shantae told him, "Im on it!" Bolo complied, grabbing Shantae after a sprint, "Oh no you dont! *takes out tome book, flips through it* How do you do it again? Was it alakazam? The hocus spell? Where is it?! # #;;; *gets pecked in the head by a bird* Oww oww, get off! *gets blown back by Shantae after being thrown* Owwwwie! XoX" one of the witch girls cried out, flopping on her back, "Good job, Wrench! There's more where that came from" Sky said to them, "I'd beat it if I were you. I haven't had any brains in a while...! OuO" Rotty warns them, "O O! No please! I still need my brain to do stuff! >o<" one of the other girls said while running, "*sees the knocked down witch follow her* Bell, Eris! Wait for me! I left my wand at home!" the last witch complained and ran with them, "Lousy! Every last one of you! Must my Tinkerbats do everything these days?! >V>;" Risky complained. Well this went south for them kinda fast...Once Jaya left, this was pratically over ~ ~.. "*whistles loudly, crashing driven in ship into the town behind* Get them, Tinkerbats! Make 'em walk the plank!" Risky Boots ordered, having her dark skinny cretins swarm our area from an opening at the bottom of the ship, "There's so many! What do we do?! o O;" I react, "Let's show 'em our Pike Balls, guys!" Sky encourages, "Oooo brillient idea, Sky! This'll be fun! ouo" Rottytops says with excitement, bring out her Pike Balls along with the rest of Shante's friends as the metal balls spun around their bodies, scaring the Tinkerbats to hestitation. Unable to think twice about their actions, they quickly find themselves downed by Shante's friends running through them with the spikey balls as strong protection. "Arrrrrgh! Dont think you can get away with this! *imbues fire into curved blade* This'll melt through that lil trick of your's faster than butter!" Risky said, dashing in and slashing at Rottytops, "*jumps out of the way of the slash, but gets ignited entirely by the flames afterwards; runs around, flailing with stubby arms* My arms are falling off! Oh wait they already did! Quick, someone get my arms to put the fire out!! >O<;" Rotty screamed in panic, "Dont worry, Rotty. I can do this! *swings spiked flail around and launches it at Risky who bats it away* (Shoot! Just how strong is she now?!) More where that came from!" Bolo told her before attempting to try multiple more times, "*keeps batting the flail attacks away with ease one-handedly* Hah! You can only wish to harm me with this new magic power I got a taste of! If this is all you have, I got bad news for you! *gets pecked in the head from behind, waves Sky's bird away as it yanks at pirate hat* Yaaarr! Get away you feathery rat! I'll make a roast out of you later! *gets ass rapidly pecked into by him* YARGH! Now you've done it! >V>; *swipes sword at him, misses but gets tumbled down on and set ablaze by Rottytops* Aaaaagghh!! Ye burnin' both of us, you undead scalie-wag! OV<;;;" Risky complained, suffering from some painful burns but more significantly a larger dose of humiliation. "My turn! HMMMM!!" Bolo grunts, putting extra force behind his flail attack, launching it hard enough to blow away Risky into her ship, as well as making Rotty's scatter into a dozen pieces as if he hit a bunch of bowling pins, "*rolls around as a head on the ground* Thanks Bolo...But you didnt have to hit so hard...It'll take a while to get over this headache now..@ @;" Rotty comments, "*flops onto the ground after getting slamming into the ship* Yaaarrgh....Lower the anchor...Maties..." Risky weakly ordered, having an anchor drop beside her. A boy with similiar skin color walks out, having black markings all over his face and neck. "*sees him come out, securing Risky's hold onto the anchor* Hmm!? Who's that? *sees them sail off with Risky dragging against the water, and this mysterious man looks at us for a moment before focusing on taking care of Risky Boots* Are they close or something? Now Im really curious with what's up with her. *turns to everyone* Bolo, Rotty- You three did great! Even with Risky's new tricks we came out on top!" Shantae congratulates, "*runs to us, sees the spreading fires and wrecked buildings* Shante! Shantae, is that you?! Oh dear! My town! It's all burning! Please do something! O O;" a fat shorter man with a turbin begged of her, "Dont worry, Scuttlebutt! We just ran off Risky once again, so we're on it, uki! You'll help too, right, new guy?" Shantae then asked me, "I-I'll see what I can do, sure. *looks at Risky's ship, seeing the marked man's gaze from (He looks familiar...I cant...Put my finger on it...I do feel like I even know his name..Even Risky's name sounds familiar..)" I was trying to remember, getting ready to fix up the town with the others.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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