𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓔𝓵𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷

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"Naruto's back?!" I ask Kotetsu and Izumo, my eyes sparkling. After finding out where he had gone, I followed the path.

I froze in place when I saw him. Naruto grew taller- in fact, he was taller than me now. His hair looked fluffy and had better volume, and most of all, he had matured. I approached him and tapped him on his shoulder.

"Naruto!" I excalim, excitedly as I hug him. I missed him a lot, since we hadn't seen each other in three entire years. "Emiko?" He murmured, slightly taken aback. He returned the hug, enthusiastically.

Sakura joined us too, and clearly, he hadn't matured as much as I thought he had. In the end, his face was punched. It made me feel quite nostalgic, actually. Tean 7, together again.

Kakashi Sensei had greeted us later on, which made me feel a greater sense of sadness and nostalgia. All we were missing was Sasuke. Oh, Sasuke. When would he ever regain his sense and come back?

Over the years, I had honed my strength. I could produce every single wave on the Electromagnetic Spectrum and maintain it for long periods of time. I could also summon animals.

Due to Matatabi's influence, I was able to summon ninja cats, similar to Kakashi Sensei's ninja dogs. Besides this, I had a lot of raw power. Almost as much as Sakura. Not the same amount, but I was getting there.

The biggest improvement that came about was my Two Tail Cloak. I could transform into a mini Matatabi and use Fireball Jutsu, Water Style Jutsu, and my Kekkei Genkai (wind) had gotten more powerful too.

I hadn't wasted those three years, and nor had anyone else.


After Kakashi Sensei finished retaking our bell exam, and after the whole Akatsuki ordeal, we talked about sending us on another mission to retrieve Sasuke. Except, Kakashi Sensei was sort of preoccupied, and was in the hospital after the incident with Gaara and his Tailed Beast- Shukaku.

Sakura, Naruto and I were waiting next to a building. Apparently, we were going to have a new leader and a new member with us. After a while, they came...and let's just say that things didn't go as smoothly as planned.


[After meeting Captain Yamato and Sai, the group travels together. At last, after the emotional rollercoaster...]

There he was.

Sasuke Uchiha.

I ran out of Orochimaru's hideout, wondering what the commotion was about. I noticed Sai, Sakura and Naruto staring up at something. "Guys, what's going on-"

My words trailed off the moment I set foot outside. My heartbeat seemed to have stopped, and every cell in my body seemed to tingle. I stood there, in awe and in silence.

"Sasuke." I whisper, under my breath. He looked so cold now. His eyes had no life in them- they looked emotionless, and lacked any sparkle. In fact, he looked heartless, as if he had just murdered his feelings. The stoic and harsh scowl he shot me made me want to crawl into a black hole, never to come out again.

"What do you want?" He spat out, coldly. Naruto responded, "We're here to take you back home! Come on..." Naruto was cut off by Sasuke's scoff.

"As if I'd ever go back." Sasuke replied, condescendingly. He continued speaking to us, as if we were inferior to him. "It's good you came, because you will all die. I will exact vengeance on Itachi afterwards, by any means possible."


Everyone was scattered across the area, unable to move or passed out. I had been temporarily paralysed by his Chidori, when he suddenly approached me and gave me a nasty look. "You're coming with me." He murmured, bluntly.

"What? No! You have to come home with us." I respond, alarmed and completely taken aback. Unfortunately, I couldn't protest much since I couldn't move, and since he scooped me up, slung me over his shoulder and lept away with Orochimaru as well as Kabuto.

"Put me down, and let me leave. I have to go back!" I protest, trying my best to move, but to no avail. "Shut up. If you don't, I'll kill you." He replied, his words piercing through the air like a knife.

A little while later, we arrived at another one of Orochimaru's hideouts. Sasuke, Kabuto and the disgusting snake-man-monstrosity secretly conversed, whispering amongst themselves. After their talk, I was dragged into a room, where Sasuke stood in front of me.

My hands and feet were tied by handcuffs. I could move now, but my movements were restricted. "Why am I here?" I ask, my tone a bit gloomy. I didn't want to be here. For some reason, I couldn't contact Matatabi inside me either.

"I need you for my future team." He responds. "I need your sensory skills and your powers, since you have fire, water and wind chakra properties." "How do you even know that?" I ask, confused. "Why after all this time? What on Earth is going through your head, Sasuke?!"

"Don't ask unnecessary and stupid questions, or I'll kill you. You aren't that important. You're just a tool, so shut it." He said, with hostility in his tone. I felt sad inside. He wasn't the same person I knew, all those years ago. He was different, and had changed into a stoic and vengeance obsessed psycho.

"I'm not a tool. I'm a person, and your comrade!" I remind him, with emotion in my tone. "You are not my comrade anymore. I've had enough of you." He retaliated, gritting his teeth, as he took me to a different room and locked me in there.

I still got meals daily in there, but I wasn't allowed to leave the room. I had tried breaking out, but I couldn't. The walls had been made of a different material, and I still hadn't been able to contact Matatabi for some odd reason. That Orochimaru...I'd definitely kill him someday. Right?

𝓐𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓪𝔁𝓲𝓪. [𝓢𝓪𝓼𝓾𝓴𝓮 𝓧 𝓞𝓒] • ON A TEMPORARY HIATUS!!Where stories live. Discover now