𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚇𝙸𝙸

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I slowly sat down now facing both of them. We sat there in complete silence for at least two minutes. My hands started sweating, I felt like throwing up at this point.

"Jaemin, we have decided to move to California. Mostly because of our work, but also so you could get far away from that boy and focus on your studies. We have already signed you up for a new school there." My mom said after a while. My heart skipped a beat or two. What?

"But- I-"

"No buts, we have booked flights for next week. Start packing your stuff." My dad said before I could finish my sentence.

I ran out of the kitchen, tears running down my cheeks. I threw myself on the bed, on the verge of screaming and just losing it.

They can't fucking do this, they just can't.


I couldn't get a hint of sleep at night. All I kept thinking about was how I wouldn't be seeing any of my friends anymore. No more fun video game nights or going out to that one night club. No more laughing our asses off to something stupid.

And no more seeing Jeno. That's what broke me inside. I was so attached to him I can't just let him go like that.

My parents really don't care about my happiness. No, not just my happiness, but about me at all. All they wanted was a successful and rich son with perfect grades and a beautiful girlfriend.

I scrolled through my camera roll, looking at all the pictures and videos I had taken with my friends and Jeno. How would I explain everything to them? I tried to hold in my tears but I just couldn't.


Overnight, I had decided not to cry now, but to spend my last days with everyone to the fullest and have fun as much as I could.

Telling my friends was the hardest part. I told them to meet up at a nearby cafe since we had a day off school. I was waiting for them outside. Not long after I saw Renjun, Jisung and Donghyuck appear.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Hyuck got us lost somehow." Renjun apologized and glanced at Donghyuck who rolled his eyes. I laughed a bit, knowing these moments would be the exact same ones I would be missing.

We went inside and ordered everything we wanted. I didn't take anything, I was so nervous and anxious I wanted to puke.

"I actually needed to talk about something, that's why I invited you." I said when we had settled down. My voice was already cracking up. I felt like breaking down right now. Everyone turned to look at me.

"I- I will be moving to California next week, because my parents got new jobs from there." I told them and felt the tears forming up in my eyes.

"Huh? Next week? To California?" Jisung dropped his spoon.

"Like moving, like forever? Please tell me you're just joking." Donghyuck tried to laugh it off but he went quiet after he realized I wasn't joking.

They all sat there for a while, then moved all next to me and pulled me into a tight hug. I heard them sob so I finally let it all out too. I didn't care about the people staring, I cried like there was no tomorrow.

"We promise to make these days the best days you've ever lived!" Renjun blurted. I let out a little laugh since it sounded like I was dying or something.

After planning what we would do, we parted ways. Now I only had one, hard talk with the older boy. I promised to go shopping with him tomorrow.


I had been wandering around the mall with Jeno for a while. He looked so adorable, all clueless from what I would be telling him.

"Baby can we sit down for a sec, my legs hurt." I suggested and pointed at the bench. He just nodded and grabbed my hand, dragging me with him.

"I uhm- I need to talk to you about something." I sighed and looked at the older boy straight to his eyes, seeing his gaze turn from happy to worried. He squeezed my hand even tighter.

"It's a bit... well- I will be moving to California next week." I gulped and looked down. I didn't want to face him, because I knew the look on his face and the tears in his eyes would've broken me down.

"What? No you, you can't just... leave?" Jeno trembled and pulled me into a tight hug. I could feel his tears wet my shoulder that he was crying into. I couldn't hold it in anymore. The next words coming out of my mouth hurt me even more than I would've expected, even if I planned and had already cried over them.

"Jeno, you know how much I love you, but I think it's better for you, for me and for us, to break up. I don't think I will be returning for a good while. Don't wait for me, you should find someone else who can stay with you, someone else who will make you happy." 

"No. No I can't I- I don't want anyone else but you! You're the only one I love and will ever love!" His voice got sore, even more tears falling from his dark brown eyes. I felt a knife twist in my heart. It hurt to see him like this.

"Calm down my love, it's going to be okay." I hugged him again, slowly stroking his head. I heard him mutter something.

"I won't let you go."


word count: 947

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