Chapter 1

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A pale body rested peacefully in a cold, stone coffin. With a short stature, he had ample of space for movement yet he remained in a death-like state, covered with thin blankets and small trinkets. His messy blonde locks laid on top of his face and covered most of his danty features. He continued in this tranquil condition until one strange day his eyebrow twitched.

Yin slowly cracked open his eyelids and looked around the coffin in a daze. A dizzying senstation overtook him as he tried to lift his head and the pitch black darkness was of no help. He closed his eyes tightly shut to stop his vision from spinning, which eventually lead him to pass out. 

Some time later, Yin's eyes snapped open wide and his chest felt like it was painfully caving in on itself. It became hard to breath. He tried and fail to adjust his eyes in the darkness so he quickly uncovered his body from the moth-bitten blanket. He patted himself and noted that he still had all his body parts intact so what could it be? There wasn't any stitches from what he could feel and he didn't feel any internal pain other than soreness from laying in one position for ages. Could it be that his enemies had finally found out his location and came to collect the debt?

It seemed fairly impossible. Where would they have found the information? Unless his associate had leaked his location under the tortuous threat of death...

Or cash. 

Shocked by his own thoughts, Yin halted his frantic movements in case the enemy were lying in wait. But the silence became unbearable after a while so Yin decided to push hard at the tomb's lid. If they were still here, then Yin was sure he could that them on. 

Well, two of them on. He mentally patted himself on the back when he shifted the heavy lid slightly and was able to wiggle an arm out. Yin also let out a breath of relief because of the absence of light outside the tomb, he could safely say that the false floor was still in place. It should mean that they didn't find the tomb and it was likely that the illusionary magic is holding up well. Then he began to touch the unusually low ceiling of the dark room. In his blind search, the tip of his pinky finger knocked into a short nail that was nailed into the wood crookedly. He released a wisp of magic from the tips of this fingers, which momentarily lit up the small room before it was quickly absorbed into the nail.

The nail glowed the same mint colour of his magic and shrunk in size, which caused it to drop from the ceiling. The sound of the nail hitting the floor seemed to be a trigger and it was like the curtain falls at theatres as the ceiling rippled before it split into pieces, falling to the ground. With the help of the sunlight pouring through the windows, the room was illuminated. Yin could see that the room was now larger with a higher ceiling.

Yin wiggled the rest of his body out of the tomb and fell unceremoniously to the floor. He let out a pained umph and wrinkled his nose. He made a mental note to put a carpeted floor in place the next time he made a fake floor.

He scrambled to his feet and dusted his clothes, coughing at the clouds of dust produced in the process. Looking around the room once again, it looked like everything was in its place, yet the unnerving feeling was still there. It wasn't until his gaze fell on the only shelf in the room that he turned cold in realisation.

The illusionary magic was nowhere to be seen and instead of seeing a shelf of books, he saw an empty shelf. Thinking back to his rudimentary lectures on illusionary magic, he knew that the illusion could wear off after the caster died. Could be similar for himself? As his magic was partially dormant during his sleep, the illusion was not continuously powered hence failing as if he'd died. It could be that nearby object could be powered within reason and the damned fake floor took all of it. Yin could only kick himself for not thinking about that earlier but in his defence, everything in this room was set up last minute due to the injuries he sustained in battle.

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