There is always light in the darkness

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His sweet smile, his blue eyes, and his gorgeous blonde hair. I loved watching him, his life, so entertaining and free, time stops when I look over at him, I stop when I look at him. I felt I knew him, I did. My eyes are locked in nothing can distract me. Not even this painful pinching in my side. Wait...what? 

My side started burning, it hurt to breathe. What was happening to me?  I started to panic my breathing became rushed and I felt as if I couldn't breathe anymore. There's no way I'm going to faint in the middle of the hallway?! My vision slowly became darker. 

Oh gosh, what am I going to do, people are going to judge me, I can't, I have to at least keep moving. I just need to make it to the bathroom.

My legs stumbled through the packed hallway in hopes of finding my way to the bathroom... conscious. 

The bathroom is only ten lockers down, I was sure I would make it. Oh no.  Of course, he had to be standing there. Him out of people, standing in my way just as I'm about to pass out. 

I rushed to the bathroom while my vision was slowly getting darker and blurred,  I was miraculously two lockers from the bathroom I was so close. He even had his back turned. This was perfect. I just needed to get in bef-

Oh no

I couldn't see anything. My hearing was a loud ringing. I could feel my legs giving up. This was it. I was going to fall flat onto my face unconscious... in front of Alan Doyle, the one guy I had the biggest, fattest, juiciest crush on. 

I was ready to feel the cold, dirty, hard tiles compressed on my face... I surprisingly didn't, I was already unconscious before I even hit the ground. I didn't even feel it. 

I  woke up in the nurse's office, with a beaming light in my eye, it practically blinded me I could barely see. I lifted out of the chair slowly. I was able to lift my legs to the ground and started to get up. And of course, as soon as I tried standing up, my head started spinning and began to fall back.

 I felt a hand wrap around my back and a deep voice said. "Careful there" 

I knew this voice, it sounded so familiar. His hand still wrapped around me, I could feel his warmth. who the fuck is holding me.

Part 2????  Very short ikik 

but this was written by a frickin E on 17/04/24 at 23:23 pwease vote tysm!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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