Seek's whereabouts gets found (Part 2)

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All the entities were busy looking for Seek, trying to find him.

Till now, no one was able to get a clue as to where he could be.


Screech was presently floating around a dimly lit hallway, when a lightning struck outside which startled him.

Then soon Screech saw that familiar smiling creature outside the window in the rain.

Last time when Screech saw it, he was scared but this time he decided to confront it.
Screech then went closer to the window.

He tried to open the window slightly using his tentacles.

Screech: Um... Hello. I am Screech. What are you?

The creature giggled and went closer to Screech.

???: I don't have any specific name little one. But you can call me Window if you want, my friend.

Screech smiled and felt a bit at ease.

Screech: Alright Window. I wanted to ask you, if you had spotted an ink like humanoid Entity in the hotel. He has only a single eye on his face.

The creature then nodded and said:-

Window: I have. Someone kidnapped him from his hallway. It seemed like an unknown entity to me. I think I saw it took him somewhere in the basement.

Screech then smiled widely and said, thank you to Window.

Screech then closed the window and then went away to tell the others about this clue.

Back with Seek:-

Seek was still tied up in that chair, his hands were getting strain marks due to how tightly those special purple glowing chains.

Seek wasn't in a good condition and was just hoping someone would come soon to help him get out of here.

Little did Seek knew, that Timothy was actually crawling over one of the drawers in that same room, but haven't yet spotted him.

One point, when Timothy was passing by inside that room, he sort of collided with Seek's inky foot, which startled both of them.

Seek: What was that?

Seek looked down and saw Timothy, and was surprised.

Seek: Timothy?! Oh thank goodness it's you. Can you please go and tell the others I am being held here inside this room in the basement.
Please, please little guy...

Timothy then made some spider like noises and crawled over Seek's inky foot twice, indicating him that he is going now to tell the others.

After when Timothy left, Seek sighed as he hoped that Timothy would surely be able to let the others know about where is being held captive.

Back with the others:-

Halt, Rush, Ambush, and Eyes were still talking about various locations in the hotel where Seek could be found, after completing their 1st patrol around the hotel.

Figure was also there, but he was way more alert.

Suddenly Screech arrived there and told him about his encounter with Window and what he found about Seek's possible location.

Everyone was happy knowing about this clue and were about to head to the basement, when suddenly Timothy arrived in that crawling in that room.

Figure heard Timothy's crawling noises and growled alerting others about Timothy's presence in the room.

Screech then noticed that Timothy was trying to tell them something.

Screech: Guys, I think Timothy wants us to follow him. Maybe he has found out about Seek's location.

Figure then growled and ordered everyone to follow Timothy at once.

..................*[TIME SKIP]*....................

Back with Seek:-

Seek was about to pass out from the restlessness of being tied down to the chair.

Suddenly the door of his room in the basement smashed open, and Seek saw it was Figure who growled angrily.

Seek was shocked and happy on seeing him.

Seek: F-Figure?! You are here finally!

Figure heard Seek's voice, and was about to head towards Seek inside the room, until he heard something that made him stop.

Author's note:-

Hoped you all enjoyed this part. Let's see when I can post the next part. Bye.

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