7. The Unsettling Encounter

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As the weekend bid its hasty farewell, leaving behind a trail of uncertainty, I attempted to forget the craziness that had unfolded. Monday mornings always began with a heavy sigh. Each step of my morning routine felt like a burden.

Feeling gross, I decided to take a morning shower. I typically preferred showering at night, but today, I called for an exception. Walking into the bathroom, I glanced at the mirror and noticed the large dark circles under my eyes. "Gosh, I need a better sleep schedule," I muttered. But to be fair, with a weirdo lurking who knew you were outside your house, it was hard to sleep last night.

As I shed my clothes and eased into the steamy embrace of the shower, the tension of the morning washed away. Lost in random thought, my mind drifted to the letter, making my stomach sink.

"Next time, if you keep ignoring me, it won't just be the window I open while you sleep."

A shiver of unease rippled through me, mingling with the steamy haze as I contemplated the bold threat. What naughty intentions are hidden behind those words? "It almost sounded inviting if I knew who it was", I thought.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I turned the water cold, the sudden chill jolting me back to reality. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I muttered, slapping myself lightly on the face. Stepping out of the shower, I felt flustered by my own thoughts. Why would I even consider such ideas? Ew, ew, ew.

I must be really pent up if my mind is wandering like this. Determined to shake off the lingering discomfort, I dried off and dressed, opting for my favourite outfit to boost my mood.

After breakfast, I grabbed my bag and headed out the door. The morning's odd mixture of dread and strange excitement clung to me as I walked towards my car, determined to push the unsettling thoughts aside and focus on the day ahead.


When I arrived on campus, I had about five minutes to spare before class started. I'm getting better at being on time, a small but satisfying victory in my chaotic life.

I got an announcement on Canvas saying this week's content was on Abstract art, a topic I was less enthusiastic about. I preferred drawing portraits and eyes—things that had clear form and detail. Abstract art, with its emphasis on the unconventional and the non-representational, wasn't really my strong suit. Still, it was part of the curriculum, so I didn't have much choice but to engage with it.

As I entered the classroom, I made my way to my usual spot. The familiar setting brought a sense of calm, a brief respite from the morning's unsettling thoughts. I settled into my seat, pulled out my sketchbook and pencils, and waited for the class to begin. The hum of conversation and the shuffle of students getting ready provided a soothing backdrop.

The classroom quickly filled with students, and when I noticed Zack, I let out a sigh. I had hoped not to see him today, or better yet, for the entire week. Thankfully, he left me alone and went straight to his seat.

Mr. Graham began the lesson, and my interest waned almost immediately. Abstract art just didn't capture my attention like portraits and eyes did. I was zoning out when I heard Mr. Graham mention easels. Before I could fully process his words, everyone stood up and started leaving the classroom as a group. Not wanting to look clueless, I quickly jumped up from my chair and followed them.

I usually prided myself on staying alert and aware of my surroundings, but today, I was off my game. As we moved down the hallway, it became obvious we were heading towards the easel room. Great, another practical exercise. It was just a shame it was abstract art—I couldn't fully enjoy what I did.

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