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~Jennie's P.O.V.~

Other then telling him where the hospital is, It's an uncomfortable silence while we're on the way to the hospital. The hospital is forty minutes away, because Matt lives in a different town.

Why couldn't Gabe just answer his stupid phone? Then I wouldn't have to be in the car with the guy I hate the most.


I ignore him and look out the window.

"Of course you're going to ignore me." I hear him mumble then sigh.

I cross my arms and watch the trees pass by.

We pass a playground where kids are playing. I remember being that young. Playing with Gabe and Monica.

"Jennie, when are you just going to let that go? I'm sorry I made that bet. I-"

"Just shut it, Taehyung." I interrupt him. "I don't want to hear your lies."

I don't want to argue. I just want to get to the hospital! This is one of the reasons why I didn't want to go with him.

"I'm not lying." He says, his voice growing louder. "I admit, I was lying before, and I was just playing with you. But, I'm not now. Why can't you give it up?"

I look at him and give him a blank stare. "Because you lied to me. Because you played me. I don't trust you at all. You hurt me an-"

"Oh don't give me that! I'm tired of that 'You hurt me and I'll never forgive you!' junk." Taehyung says, making his voice whiny. "I don't know how many times you've said that, but I'm sick of it. You just want attention. You're not mad, you just want people to feel sorry for you. Give. It. Up."

I gape at him. "That is not true."

He laughs bitterly. "Yes it is, and you know it."

My heart pounds in my chest and I feel my hands grip into fists and my nails digging into the palms of my hands.

Breathe, Jennie. Don't let him get to you.

"Here I am being nice to you, taking you to the hospital, and trying to ask for your forgiveness and you're acting this way." He bangs his hand against the steering wheel and I shut my eyes closed. "What do I have to do? What do you want from me?"

My eyes snap open to his tense face and I grit my teeth together. "Nothing." I whisper, harshly. "Nothing. I want you to leave me alone. Do you understand me? A. L. O.N-"

"I can't do that, Jennie! " He snaps.

"Oh yeah. I forgot. You like me. Don't you?" I say, sarcastically, glaring at the side of his head.

When are we getting to this hospital?

We stop at a red light and Taehyung turns in his chair to face me and his face softens. "I did not lie about that." His face turns a light shade of red. "I-I-"

He gets interrupted by a car honking the horn at us and we both jump.

The light turned green.

He sighs deeply and we start moving again.

It's quiet again...A strange quiet. You can feel...I don't know. I guess tension in the air. I look over at his face and strange emotions are crossing it. His eyes are narrowed at the street in front of us and he's biting his bottom lip.

"I can feel you staring at me."

I jump slightly and feel heat travel up to my neck and onto my face. "I-I wasn't staring at you.." I quickly turn away from him.

✔The Nerd And The Jerk [Taennie Adaption]Where stories live. Discover now