$i*th D@y (•_•)

253 15 1


I woke up making a loud yawn, I felt something heavy on my hand as i opened my eyes, i saw Ryan pleasantly sleeping on my hand, and our legs entagled with each, my arms wrapped around his small waist, our bangs touching each other and our faces inches apart, i could feel his hot breath on my lips, wait! we were cuddling all night??! I felt sudden rush of pain in my head, i slowly sat up not wanting to wake up the beautiful boy sleeping, i ran my fingers through my hairs as my head was spinning like crazy.

As i closed my eyes in order to reduce the pain, i remembered some things, it was ryu's birthday yesterday and we rented a cruise and partied there, and then we came back to hotel and AND AND!!!!!!!!

I seemed to remember everything happened last night, Ryan and i kissed? WE KISSED!! and he even confessed to me? I blushed at the thought, i looked at the certain boy sleeping, i stared at his lips, i tasted that pink glossy and soft lips last night which tasted like strawberries and they were so sweet, i felt the sudden urge to kiss them again, but i shrugged the thought, i was shocked because of what happened last night, but i shrugged the thought of him confessing to me again, as i must be overthinking! I kissed him but that doesn't mean he likes me back or maybe there is 1% chance of him liking me back? 


"GUYS! since we have explored most of the goa and there is not much left, and i am already tired because of what happened yesterday! you all were drunk like crazy and i-it was hard to handle yall, so let's go to a picnic instead of exploring new places" I said whispering that last night thought, i looked at chris and he was already looking at me with suspicious eyes, i blushed and looked away.

"yes! please" Anjali said and i laughed at her cuteness.

I think its time to tell her that i don't think i like her now, because i found my true love who is him, i know my friends are not judging type, they will not judge me even if i am gay i guess.

"okay, then let's meet outside our rooms at 12" Tina said and we continued eating our breakfast but i am just not able to shrug the thought of chris liking me back, i think he doesn't remember anything from last night, i was sad and happy at the same time, i wanted chris to know that how much i like me but at the same time i don't want to break our friendship just because i like him and i m not even sure what he said yesterday, did he really meant him? i was so confused, i wanted to ask him many questions but i didn't wanted him to call me a faggot as my feelings for him are genuine and i like him so much.

We went back to our room.

"soo" chris started as we both sat on our bed "can you tell me what happened last night?"

I was in dilemma whether i should tell him or not, 

"i-it was a good night" i continued "we all had so much fun, and you were so drunk" i refused to look him in the eyes, bcz i know he was suspicious of the last night.

"AND?" he furrowed his eyebrows.

"a-and what?" i sluttered.

"nevermind" he said and start packing things for picnic, i was glad he left the topic there, i didn't wanted him to know anything  about last night but again at the same time , i wanted him to know i like him so much!


"hahahahahah u can't catch it dumbo" Tina teased sid, they were playing disc at the picnic spot and sid failed to catch the disc.

"ok then, let's see if u catch it or not" sid challenged tina and threw the disc at her face and she fumed in rage, she started running behind sid to hit him.

whilst anjali was peacefully sitting beside a tree, making a tiara from flowers garland, i smiled at her and she smiled back, whilst me and chris were sitting on the mat not talking to each other just feeling the cold breeze hit our face.

I looked at his direction, his hands were supporting him in sitting and he looked like a pure angel came from heaven, god really made a masterpiece! i stared at him for a long time, his hair ruffling in air, smile never leaving his face as he looked at the kids playing far away from us. I WANNA SCREAM LOUDLY THAT I FREAKING LOVE THIS MAN SO MUCH! but i can't.

"am i that beautiful or that disgusting?" he said suddenly not looking at me and i blushed in embarrassment as i realised i have been staring at him for last 5 minutes.

"sorry, but you are beautiful not disgusting at all" i whispered the last part but he heard it.

"oh really ryu?" he turned to my side smirking and i just couldn't look at his eyes, they are so soft and sweet. it made me blush!

"yes, you are so beautiful" i said still looking down as my cheeks were painted in a light red colour.

"then kiss me" 

"what?" i looked at him flabbergasted only to find him smirking, i blushed as i noticed how close we are, his bangs nearly touching my bangs. he looked straight at me, that was the moment that i never wanted to end, he looked so ethereal that i couldn't help but stare at him.

"hahahaha you are such a cutie" he grinned and turned back facing front side.


(at evening)

"bish stop!!!!!!!" 

"stop splashing water over me" tina shouted at sid, currently, we are on the beach side of our resort, me and anjali were sitting on the porch of my room as we were watching the three kids aka chris, sid, tina playing in the beach.

"Anju i want to tell u something important" I turned towards her with a serious tone, i don't wanna break her heart but i can't keep her in dream too; that i still love her, i know i am a brat and she deserves someone who loves her dearly not me.

"i know ryu, i know what are u going to say"

"what?" i was taken aback by her answer.

"that u don't like me anymore, instead you love chris and that you are maybe a gay"

I was shocked by her answer "h-how do u know?"

"Ryan i know u since your childhood, i can make out that u and chris like each other by the way u were behaving in the whole trip" she said fully turning back to me.

"I love him soo much" i continued.

"do u think he also likes me?" i was happy that she did not had a heart break, she is  understanding; without waiting for her answer i hugged her and she hugged me back giving me a reassuring smile. Our conversation died there i didn't want to know the answer, time will tell me the answer.

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