First Day On The Job

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Chapter 1

Phil was in an English lesson...Just a boring old lesson like any other, the 'populars' talking and not paying attention at the back of the class, the what our society calls 'nerds' at the front of the class sat with Phil.

"Okay class, so today we are going to be learning about Accents and Transcripts, now I know it isn't the most interesting subject but it's gotta be done!" Miss Jones spoke.

Phil really likes English, and his English teacher but today, what was outside of the window seemed to be more interesting...
For about 10 minutes Phil just stared mindlessly out of the window unti....

"Phil! Are you listening to what I'm saying?" Miss Jones questioned.
"uh yeah, sorry Miss..." Phil apologised...
"Okay just to make sure you are all listening, anyone know what a filler is?" Miss Jones asked.

Phil may of not been listening during the lesson but luckily he does his research, he is a bit of a nerd like that. Phil threw his hand into the air.

"Yes, Phil!" Miss Jones spoke.
"Is it a pause for thinking Miss" Phil answered.
"Well done Phil!" Miss Jones praised.

After what seemed like hours, English was finally over. The bell rang and all the students ran to the door to escape the prison like classroom. Except for Phil who slowly packed away his stuff into his Attack On Titan bag and strolled out of the classroom. The reason Phil didn't make a big effort to escape the class as quickly as possible was because once he entered the halls of hell he didn't really have any 'group' of friends to go and chill out with. The only place that Phil could escape all the judgemental assholes and snobby bitches was the library. It was quite fun in the Library, because hardly anyone went up there and there was computers to go on. Plus Phil's favourite teacher Mr Gunning was the one who ran the library!
Phil quickly left the English class and walked over to the steps that lead to the Library. After a few minutes of walking and dodging students in corridors and climbing up stairs Phil finally managed to reach the Library. Quickly he swung the giant doors open and walked in.

"Hey Sir!" Phil chirped.
"Well if it isn't my favourite student!" Mr Gunning cheered!

Phil chuckled in reply and walked over to one of the tower like bookcases and grabbed a Harry Potter book of the shelf and sat down in one of the bean bags that were laid around. Phil pulled out his earphones and his phone from from his pocket and plugged in the cable, Phil scrolled through his list of songs and finally decided to play 'A Day To Remember - It Means A Lot To You'

The rest of the day was just full of boring old lessons and snobby bitches.... But It finally ended and the final bell rang, again all the students rushed out of the room, Phil walking out last...

Phil again got out his phone and earphones and played some 'Fall Out Boy - Immortals'
Shortly after Phil reached his home, quickly shoving his hand into his bag and pulling out his house keys Phil slotted them into the door and walked in.

"Hello!" Phil shouted.
"Hey sweetie, did you have a good day at college?" Mrs Lester questioned
"meh well it's college so not great but apart from that it was pretty okay!" Phil explained.
"Tea will be ready soon so don't be heading out anywhere!" Mrs Lester called.
"Don't worry I won't!" Phil replied.

Phil dumped his bag and shoes on the kitchen floor and ran up to his room. Closing the door behind him Phil walked over to his desk and sat in his chair. He opened up Tumblr and begun scrolling through the 'Mad Max' tag. Phil really loves that film! He went to go see it with his cousin who came to visit for a weekend, he was mind blown by the cinematography and graphics!
After about 2 hours of mindless scrolling Phil got up and went to go get change into something a little more comfy than skinny jeans and a Pokemon shirt. Pulling out some joggers and a large supernatural shirt Phil got dressed.
Phil then walked to his TV, switched it on, slotted in sonic into the console, grabbed an Xbox remote and flung himself on his bed with Dr Who bedding (he was a bit of a Dr Who nerd like that)
He selected the 'play' button and begun the first level. After about 20 minutes Phil had managed to get through 6 levels, a new world record for Phil!

"Phiiiiil!, teaaaaa!" Mrs Lester called.
"Coming mum!" Phil replied.

Phil ran down the stairs to see a table decorated with wraps and fajita mix and other condiments.

"Mmmm fajitas! My fav!" Phil chirped.
"I know that's why I cooked it dear!" Mrs Lester explained.

Within a few minutes the delicious banquet was devoured.

"Thanks mum!" Phil thanked.
"No problem Philly!" Mrs Lester teased.
"Don't call me that please!" Phil moaned.
"Oh okay moody!" Mrs Lester laughed.

*a few hours later*

Just finishing his Maths homework, Phil yawned loudly.
*Okay I think it's time to sleep now Phil*
Phil walked over to his drawer and slipped of his joggers and shirt and placed them back in the draw.
Just in his boxers Phil strolled over to his bed and flung himself under the covers. After a few minutes Phil managed to drift of to sleep.....

Today was going to be a very exiting day for Phil! After college he is going to his new part time job! At Starbucks! Probably the best part time job EVER!?
Excitedly Phil jumped out of bed and wondered quickly over to his drawers and pulled back on his joggers.
As Phil had slept in he didn't have time to shower this morning so he grabbed some dry shampoo and sprayed it all over his black mop. Then Phil grabbed his GHD's and begun straightening his slight hobbit hair. Once he had done grooming himself and making his appearance look at least average, Phil left for college.
The day dragged on more than usual, probably because Phil had his part time job to look forward to!
Phil's job was Friday afternoons from 3PM-8PM and weekends from 1PM-9PM, which was good because it gave him at least a few hours to do any last minute homework!

At 1PM Phil had finished all of his lessons for the day. Phil packed his bag and left his college. After 10 minutes of waking Phil reached his house.

"I'm back mum! I'm gonna go get some things then I'm gonna head off okay?" Phil spoke.
"Okay that's fine! I'll save you some tea!" Mrs Lester chirped.

He quickly ran upstairs and walked over to his bed, he took all of his books and stationary out of his bag and put in his wallet, keys and his bus pass. When everything he needed was in his bag he swung it over his shoulders and headed off.

After a few minutes Phil reached the bus station. The bus arrived and Phil hopped on. He paid the bus driver and went to the top floor. He got his earphones and phone out of his pocket and played some 'MUSE - Dead Inside' Phil reached the town in about 5 minutes, he thanked the driver and headed towards Starbucks...

Phil walked up to the big doors of Starbucks and swung them open, he strolled in and wondered over to the counter, luckily the manager just so happened to be standing behind the counter when Phil approached. The manger had golden blonde hair with a hint of brown!

"Uuh hey, sir, I'm here for my new job?" Phil whispered softly
"Ah yea! Phil Lester is it?" The manager questioned
"Yes it is! :)" Phil chirped
"Okay then, follow me Lester!" The manager replied
"Oh and don't call me sir, call me Felix, I prefer my staff to call me by my first  name!" Felix stated.

Phil followed the manager to the very end of the counter and waited for the manager to give him instructions on what to do this afternoon.

"Okay so your gonna just be serving customers pretty much most of the time you are here, if I need anything I'll ask you, just serve the customer and make them the drink!'' Felix spoke.

Felix handed Phil a green apron

''Here's your uniform! Look I even got you a little badge with your name on!'' Felix chirped.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2016 ⏰

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