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Scuffs of feet, little laughs and grunts could be heard as kaminari walked towards to front door, opening it to be greeted with katsukis arm around emi in a choke hold, along with emi SkiLlfully biting at his arm. The two stopped, looking up at the boy and 'sutly' letting eachother go before they walked up the driveway, slipping passed kaminari, through the door to the common room.

The two were welcomed by everyone with simple greetings and a few casual 'whens the wedding' jokes which received eye rolls and glares from the two.

Emi flopped herself onto the couch, swiftly laying her feet over ochako and momo and let out a soft hum. "So whats this thing we're going to anyway?" She mumbled closing her eyes.

Katsuki followed suit, slumping down next to kirimshima who gave his toothy grin fist bumping the now grumpy looking boy.

"Kyoka has her first gig on at a club tonight and we said we would all go to see her play" ochako replied letting her hands rest on emis legs, patting her knee slightly.

Katsuki let out a groan "why was i asked to go im not even friends with that fucker" as he threw his head back dramatically. "Well we need someone to watch emi after her one to many drinks that she will most definetly have and.. none of us wanna do it."

Emi shot up from her laying position. "The fuck?! I dont need a damn babysitter!" She said her expression being utter betrayal as her eyes darted between ochaco and katsuki. Kaminari, who appeared coming from the kitchen that connects to the front hallway and common room chimed in. "Dont think of it as a babysitter its more a date with a grumpy old man"

Katsuki's finger shot up to kaminari as he looked over at emi "so once again im being forced to look after that ugly bitch because she cant handle her alcohol?"

The remark was followed by a series of yeps and yes's while emi put her hand infront of her. "Hold on a minute- ugly bitch? Coming from an angry PomeraNIAN?"

"Again?" Momo whined nudging ochaco as they slipped out from under emi and moved out of the way incase the two went from bickering to physical abuse on one another.

"POmer- A MUTT? HOW AM I A PUENY LITTLE ANIMAL- LOOK AT YOU YOUR WHOLE BODY IS THE SIZE OF A TREE STUMP" He barked grabbing a pillow and chucking it your directing. Emi grabbed it before it flew into her face. "I AM NOT SHORT YOU OVERGROWN BITCH. YOU LOOK LIKE YOUR CONSIPATED WITH THAT FUCKED FACE OF YOURS" emi shot back, firing the pillow with it.

The room had been evacuated at this point with the two bickering the others had went to the kitchen to eat the pizzas they had ordered. Tsuyu poked her head in the two glass doors eyeing to two on top of eachother.

Emi being ontop of katsuki who was curled up up covering his head while emi had her fingers stuck in his ears. I believe the term is giving him 'wet willies'

(Incase this is just a uk thing, its where you lick your finger and stick it in their ear so it feels like a wet willy hence the name :D)

Tsuyu stared before letting out a little cough. "When you two are done theres pizza out here" she spoke loud enough for both to hear and made her exit back to the others. Emi scrambled off katsuki letting out a cheaky laugh only to be cut off with the boy behind her grabbing her ankle which resulted in her flopping onto the carpet with a grunt.

Katsuki leaped over her reaching the kitchen first and grabbed a slice chuckling, pleased with himself. Emi stomped in glaring at katsuki. Mumbling something to herself while grabbing a slice too and munched on her pizza.

The group settled slightly and chatted amongst eachother about the plans for the club, the girls mainly squeeling about meeting cute boys and outfits while emi and katsuki were in their own spat, the last slice sitting in the pizza box and either side of the table, the two sending daggers to one another.

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