chapter 1:Judgment.

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On July 7, 2017, TLN reported that a 21 year old man named Akira Sakamoto had died in his own home due to arson. The police are still investigating the cause of the fire, and the suspects have not yet been apprehended..

I totally get that death really sucks. Have you experienced it firsthand?

My name is Akira,I was a rebellious teenager who became a NEET, spending all my time playing RPGs, and never managed to land a good job or a girlfriend for that matter.

My last memory was playing Eternal Fantasy, my favorite RPG, a video game with stunning graphics and captivating characters.

I'll definitely miss that game, where I am going to now is the plains of judgment where people are judged for their life choices and have their ultimate destination decided.

The Judges addresses Akira Sakamoto, stating that his father was absent during his childhood and his mother disowned him due to his past behavior of bullying others for his own satisfaction.

"Your siblings are better and better-behaved than you also Your childhood crush left you for someone who abused you in high school.

Due to your problems, you started smoking cigarettes, and eventually, you let your life crumble while playing video games. How do you plead?"

I calmly stated, "Your Honors, I did my best to make it work, but it never did. By the way, you should try the video games I played, they're fun."

The judges angrily rebuked the defendant, pointing out that not only did they fail to see their burning home, but they also chose to indulge in playing a fantasy RPG instead of taking action.

" You my child are a fucking disgrace,a coward,and a waste of life, No wonder your life was so difficult. Instead of striving to live, you died pathetically. Disgusting. To hell you go!"

"I clenched my teeth and shouted, 'You know what?! Screw all of you selfish people! None of you have any idea about what I've been through, what it's like to be completely alone, forgotten,or left to rot, and let me make it clear, Eternal Fantasy was an incredible game series!'"

"The judge rebukes, 'How dare you speak to a god in that manner, you insignificant insect! You are unworthy of either heaven or hell. Instead, you will be reincarnated in the very world of that putrid video game you so obsessively play. You will be born without any magical powers also you will be despised by everyone.

Your diminished soul will be consumed by this new life, just like the game that has consumed your previous life!'"

"Fine, better then being here with you self-obsessed fuckers!" I say as I flip him the bird.

After that, I was chucked into this dark cell by a couple of angels.

If I'm really going to be in Eternal Fantasy that means I can maybe make the true ending better.

I also want to be different from my life before I was always so angry and chaotic because I was always an afterthought, but maybe this time I can be a better person and help people, hell maybe I can use that chaotic nature of mine, be a chaotic good for the world.

I know what I have to do I have to go for the ultimate ending where you don't fuck up any storyline,mission or side mission And maybe I get an ending where all of the main love interests can live happily too.

after a few hours,this stunning goddess came by and totally lit up the place, I almost forgot I was in a dungeon.

"Oh goodness, hello there my child"

What do you want? I say looking visibly pissed, and covering my eyes from the light

"I am the one who will be responsible for your rebirth."

Okay, so do I get to choose?

No sadly, and I'm truly sorry to say that the other gods have cursed you with mostly magic-related curses, but I don't want you to lose hope, as I firmly believe that you're not a bad person at heart.

Instead, I would like to offer you a few blessings to help you move forward, with the condition that you use them for the betterment of others.

Remember, you're not alone, and I'm here to support you in any way I can.

"Wow, thanks a lot, milk goddess!"

Call me Ontovia, the goddess of life.

"Could you explain what I'm going to be, goddess?"

"Based on my observations, it seems like you may have a unique combination of characteristics - a blend of a goat demon and a dark elf. What do you think about that?"

"A goat demon and dark elf,hmm I guess the judge wasn't lying about me being hated by everyone, those are the most hated races in the game."

As I close my eyes, she takes my hands and begins the mystical reincarnation ritual. I feel a rush of excitement and nerves all at once. This is it, the moment I've been waiting for, the goddess tells me "Good luck, Akira..."

I know this world like the back of my hand, and I can totally use that to my advantage, I grin and say, 'hey milkers, keep an eye out for me alright!?'

Have you ever experienced the pain of birth? I'm feeling a slight discomfort myself. It's not unbearable, but it's definitely there, it's not too different from death, it fucking sucks!

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