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My eyes fluttered open, seeing only darkness. The temperature of the room is not to my liking as I slowly get up and sit on the floor. The familiarity of the room makes me remember all those memories of despair and misery. "Rayne." I whispered his name as my tears started leaving my eyes again. His being, which I held a while ago, makes me tremble to think that he's not alright, and my stepmother doesn't spare him.

"You're awake." My head rose, and I saw Orter outside my cell, leaning against the wall near the door. I didn't respond and continued my crying. "This is why I warned you and him multiple times." He continued that I chose to ignore and remained silent.

"He's alright, he's mana got sucked out, and that'll immobilize him for the mean time." He informed me. I observed him moving and about to leave when I gathered all the energy I had to get up and reach him. I successfully held him by his cloak.

"Orter, can I please see Rayne?" I whispered weakly as silence engulfed the two of us. My chest is tightening, and my feet are getting weak. I am getting no response from him. I let go of my hold and guided myself back on the cold floor, hugging on my knees as I cried miserably.

"I can't leave Nemesis, for she's not doing alright." He said that I ignored him and just wanted to join the darkness again as I despair. "Let's go. If this is what Nemesis wanted." He continued, which made me raise my head to meet his usual expression. A faint smile is drawn on my face as I stand on my feet.

"We'll be quick before Emerald notices." He added that then a green smoke engulfed the both of us, and I found myself in the hallway. So many emotions start rushing through me as I look at Orter getting instruction. "Do what you need to do." He just said, before vanishing from my sight, contemplation is all over me.

Making a step towards his room, a woman appeared in front of me and slapped me in the face, throwing me defeatedly on the ground. Shock is all over me as I see Safira's fury. "Look what you did to Rayne, you pathetic little whore!" Her voice thundered as she oozed danger. Another slap was offered in my face, as I couldn't react at all due to the overwhelming assault that she offered me.

"I will kill you!" She shouted as her hands reached my neck, choking me. My breath hitched as I struggled with her suffocating me. "You deserve more for harming Rayne!" She seethed in anger as she choked even harder as I ran out of breath and was about to lose consciousness when suddenly cuffs bind her hands, causing her to loosen her grip on my neck.

"[your name]—san!" Lemon urgently rushed towards me and helped me as I gasped for air. "Lemon-chan, bring her to Finn. We're bringing this woman to Mr. Wahlberg." Dot instructed Lemon, who just responded with a nod before slowly helping me to get up. "I'm not done with you!" Safira struggled as she was being held by Dot and Lance in the arms.

"Are you okay?" Lemon questioned me, concerned that I responded with a slow nod as we strided through the hallway going through Rayne's room. Upon reaching the door, I slowly let go of Lemon's hold and told her that I'd be fine. The door opens, and it shows me Rayne's unconscious body. Max and Finn's eyes went on me, but my eyes were plastered on Rayne.

My feet were heavy, and I felt like I was dragging them as I walked near his bed. No words were uttered by the people inside the room. As I reached his bed, my hands reached his hand, which I held tightly as tears escaped my eyes again. I continued sobbing beside his bed, saying sorry for what happened to him.

I realized that if I just lived my life silently and did what I needed to do, no one would suffer, and Rayne wouldn't be lying in this bed.

My cries eventually recede, while my hand is still holding on to Rayne. Orter's figure appeared inside the room, surprising the three other people inside. "Let's go. I have already pulled out your name from the exchange student event." He announced that made my shoulder tense from what I heard, but somehow I released it. Maybe this could put Rayne at ease and signify his safety.

I slowly got up from the chair in which I was sitting next to him. My hold on him tightened, not wanting to let go. Leaning slowly towards him, my eyes explored his wonderful facade as I smiled. My lips pressed onto his forehead, remembering that night I once kissed him. This would be the last one, then.

"Thank you so much, Rayne. I wish that there's a day we could meet again because in you I found solace." I whispered before letting go of his hand. I slowly walked away from his bed to get to Orter. My eyes went to Finn, and I offered him a weak smile and lowered my head. I stayed like that until the transportation spell came, and I found myself inside my cell again.

A sigh escaped my lips as I leaned against the wall. My mind is empty, my heart's heavy, and so is my body. I could feel that Orter was about to leave when a question escaped my mouth. "Is this what you feel when someone you treasure is in danger?" He stopped his pace, and I could feel him staring at me.

"That's true. Someone that you love or someone that you put your trust in." Orter answered, which made me smile. "So you think I like Rayne?" I jokingly questioned that, which somehow surprised him. My eyes went on him as he leaned against the wall too.

"Well, you're an open book, like your sister." He answered. I felt somehow comfortable with his presence after so many years of being in terror because of his rules and ruthlessness in trying to protect my sister. "I'm not." I answered, rolling my eyes, which earned me a little chuckle from him.

"That's how she was when she started to like me." He speaks with a tint of arrogance in his voice as he remembers how my sister acts like a little mouse when Orter is coming for a visit with his family. "I don't squeak like she does." I replied, crossing my arms, but I do curse myself a lot every time Rayne's face flashes before me.

"Your silence speaks on behalf of you." He retorted before getting on his feet. He walks near me, and in between us is the bar that separates us. "I'm sorry, I failed my goal to get Nemesis graduation requirements that were set by your parents to get you both married." I apologized as I bowed my head down. I remained in that position, expecting him to just walk away, but I jolted when his hand was placed on my head, giving my hair a light ruffle.

"Don't worry about it anymore, me and Nemesis will run away if that means us being together." He muttered as I slowly raised my head to meet his gaze. "For now, get some rest, and I'll have to check on your sister." He added and withdrew his hand, walking away slowly.

"Thank you, [your name], for all of your sacrifices for me and your sister. We'll surely return the favor." He mumbled as his footsteps receded. A faint smile was drawn on myself as I guided myself back to the corner of this cell. Sitting on the ground, I hugged my knees and thought about the times I came to experience the happiness I'd never felt before.

Drowsiness is taking over me as my eyes are tired and closing on their own, ignoring my disapproval because I wanted to stay awake. I joined the darkness by allowing myself to slumber in this cold room.

"Happiest birthday, my little sister!"

My heart is beating rapidly as I awaken from the nightmare. I clenched on my clothes while collecting myself. "You seem to be having a nightmare. Let me guess about it." My irises met Emerald's as she eyed my dishevelled physique.

"Could that be your nightmare about your birthday?" She laughed, which made my blood boil. I gaze at her, tilting my head as I smirk. "You're damn right, woman." I answered coldly, which earned me an unbelievable scoff from her.

"Of course I am right! I'm right to take away your magic that time when you put my daughter in misery because of the monster residing inside you." She was blaming me for what happened ten years ago.

On my seventh birthday, Nemesis came to visit me in my room, where Emerald was habituated. With a cake in her caring hands, she greeted me with such enthusiasm and happiness for my birthday. "Happiest birthday, my little sister!" She squeaked in so much excitement that I couldn't contain the smile I'm hiding.

She slowly walked towards my bed with the cake when her body fell down on the cold floor. She was gasping for air and grabbing her clothing as if she were writhing in so much pain. I am so scared that I immediately run towards her, reaching for her head and slowly placing it on my lap. She was crying in pain as her hand reached for my clothes, grasping them.

"S-sorry, little sister. Big sister is such a w-weak." She joked and barely said those words that made me mad. I didn't respond, instead, I placed my left hand on her chest.

My hand lit up with light as it reached the core of Nemesis. I closed my eyes, focusing on lending her some of the magic I have. "[your name], your hair is shining so bright." I heard her voice, which somehow calmed down from her gasping, as I opened my eyes to see that my hair was actually glowing like a light.

"You have the magic of healing, little sister." Nemesis acknowledges this as she slowly gets up from my hold when the door of my room opens, revealing Emerald's furious facade. "You damn brat, you planned to harm my daughter! Your daughter of evil!" She hissed, grabbing Nemesis away from my hold.

"No! Stop, Mother! [Your name] saved and healed me! She has the power of healing! You're the one who is bad here!" Nemesis shouted at her mother as she walked away, leaving my room.

Since that day, Nemesis hasn't come to visit me. I wonder why, but I paid no mind as I embraced the loneliness. The days went very fast until my door opened. I expected that it would be Nemesis, but I was wrong.

It was Emerald, and with her were three weird-clothed people. They attempted to get near me, which made me back off. "A double liner." One of the people said as they eyed me and the line that I have on my face. "I wonder what magic you possess." The other one said, holding out his wand, that a looking-like syringe appeared in front of me, and that punctured on my chest, although it's not painful.

"Accumulating data." He announced it as silence covered the whole room. The guy gasped as if he were mesmerized by knowing some information in his head as he eyed me again intriguingly.

"You possessed two types of magic, kid. That's fascinating! You have both light and dark magic within you, and that makes you special. I wonder how that old man will react that I discovered such wonderful magic in this realm." This person announced it with gleefulness in his voice. As he turned around and faced Emerald,.

"Your daughter is right; this girl possessed light magic that seemed to heal her a little. I have a proposal." The man says this to Emerald, who is as curious as she is. Listening carefully to the man.

"We will transfer this kid's light magic to your daughter to heal her. It won't immediately take effect, but surely your daughter will live as long as we wait for this kid to mature her other magic." Upon hearing those words from the man, so many thoughts filled my mind.

"They're taking away my magic, and does that mean I'll die?" I questioned myself as those people left my room, with only Emerald inside. "Is it not bad, right? Having Nemesis alive is more worth it than you." Emerald responded as she chuckled before leaving my room.

Yeah, right. I guess.

░░░░░░end of chapter

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TAMING THE UNTAMED - RAYNE A.Where stories live. Discover now