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~Jennie's P.O.V.~

His lips turn up in a smile, and then he smashes his lips to mine.

As soon as his lips touch mine, butterflies spread throughout my stomach, and all the thoughts that are in my mind, fly out of my head.

All I can think about is his soft lips.

He pulls me closer to him, and places one of his hands on my forearm, and another hand on my cheek.

My arm starts burning where his touch is, and I shiver. I want to get closer to him, so I scoot as close to the edge on the couch as I can get without falling off it.

I have never kissed anybody like this before. In fact, I'm actually surprised that I'm kissing him like this, and apparently, so is Taehyung, because he pauses for a second, before hesitantly sliding his tongue across my lip, wanting access into my mouth.

"Jennie! What in this world, are you doing?"

It's then, that I feel the world slamming back down on top of me.

I jump, startled, and fall on top of Taehyung. Taehyung chuckles from beneath me, causing me to feel his chest rumble, and I feel my face heat up about a hundred degrees hotter.

"Well, that was different." Taehyung says, with amusement lacing his words.

I laugh and roll off of Taehyung, then look up at a stunned Gabe. "Hi Gabe." I try to sound innocent. "W-what's up?"

He narrows his eyes at me and puts down a white bag that was in his hand. "Don't give me that. Not now." Uh-oh... That's not good..."What do you think you were doing?" He looks over at Taehyung, and glares at him with a look so dark, Taehyung cringes. "What do you think that you were doing? How dare you!" Gabe points to the door. "I want you out! Now!"

I've only seen him this mad one time before. When I was thirteen, a boy, Sam, tried to make me kiss him. I was pushing and screaming, trying to get him away from me. Well, Gabe heard...And it wasn't pretty. Sam ended up having both his arms broken, and was expelled from school when Gabe told the principle.

I stand up quickly and look right directly into his eyes. "Gabriel, calm. Down. Now."

His breathing starts slowing down, but his face stays red. "Jennie, I can't believe you kissed him! Did you forget what he did to you?"

I shake my head and sigh. "No. No, I didn't forget." I glance over at Taehyung, his face crumples, and he looks down. "But, I did forgive him." I look back at Gabe. "Okay? He explained, and asked for forgiveness." "Whatever." He mumbles, then points at Gabe. "You hurt her again, I hurt you worse. Got it?"

Taehyung shrugs. "I won't hurt her, Dude."

Gabe sighs and mumbles to me. "I brought you breakfast." He nods over to the paper bag. "I'm going to go take a walk."

"Gabe, please don't be mad at me." I plead.

He looks down at me, and his eyes soften. "I'm...not. I just need time to think."

I nod my head slowly, then take a step back. Gabe stuffs his hands inside of his pockets and starts taking off outside.

I can't help it. My eyes start to tear up. But, it's not my fault. Gabe's my best friend, and I can't lose him....Not even for Taehyung.

Taehyung comes up behind me and place his hands on my shoulders. "Are you okay?" He ask softly.

"I'm...." I trail off. I have no clue what to think, or say. I'm...Frozen.

Taehyung sighs and lightly squeezes my shoulder before dropping his hands. "You're mad at me again." He doesn't say it as a question.

"I'm-" I turn around to face him, and I stop talking when I see his heartbroken face. He thinks I'm going to leave him.

✔The Nerd And The Jerk [Taennie Adaption]Where stories live. Discover now