The Lord Ganondorf

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"It's a swarm!"

"They're attacking the Great Plateau!"

Link immediately kept into action. "If there's one thing I can handle, it's Moldugas" He signed to Rauru.

Sheathing the Master Sword, he rushed out the door. "Link, wait!" shouted Rauru, but it was too late. The door shut behind him. 

Asking a nearby soldier named Darf for instructions, he rushed out into the courtyard. He was on a massive plateau the size of Hyrule field. The castle he had just left covered about half of it. 

Thinking quickly, he located a set of stairs down the back side of the plateau. He rushed towards the stairs, dodging any soldiers in his way. 

He finally reached the stairs. Storming down them, he noticed the swarm. They were zooming through a canyon that looked familiar. Acting quickly, Link drew the Master Sword. 

The Moldugas drew closer. Everything about this was strangely familiar.

Then it hit him. Gerudo Canyon. Hyrule Field. The Great Plateau. He couldn't believe it. He was in the past! 

Dropping the Master Sword, he collapsed to the ground. The realizations were too much.

Everything was flooding his head. He couldn't breathe, He couldn't breathe!

The Moldugas were upon him.


A huge blast of glowing golden light burst from the plateau above. It swept through the swarm, decimating them all.

Link felt a warm hand on his back. Looking up, he saw Queen Sonia.

 "Link dear, are you okay?" 


"What's wrong?"

"I...I don't want to talk about it. What was that light?"

"That was Rauru. We noticed you had collapsed, and he wanted to help. Can you stand up?"

Link nodded and slowly rose to his feet. Taking his hand, Sonia gently led him back up the stairs. Back up to where Rauru was waiting for him. "Link! What were you thinking? You just got healed, you almost died! Again!"

"I'm Fine." 

"No you're not! Take him back to the castle Sonia!"

"I will, however you need to be more gentle. He's going through something hard!"

She took Link's hand again and led him back to the castle. The walk was slow and painful. Link couldn't help but wonder if this was all a dream. It seemed unreal. His heart was still pounding from the realizations. " Um, Queen Sonia?" he signed, "'I...I'm from the future."

"That's what we thought. You seemed to know nothing of Rauru or his kind, but knew of this place. We need to get you back as soon as possible." She took both his hands into hers. "For now we'll just tell everyone...that you're a distant relative of ours, coming to visit."

"I need to get back! Zelda, I have to make sure she's okay!"

"I'm sure that she's fine sweetheart. Besides, it's not like you're going anywhere right now, is it?"

" I guess not.."  

"Now, let's get you back to your room. King Rauru and I have some urgent business to attend to regarding the Gerudo."


Walking back to his room, Link was left with nothing but his thoughts. Pondering his current predicament, he wasn't watching where he was going. 

Ughn! Who was that? Looking up, Link saw a large, muscular Gerudo.

"Apologies, I didn't see you there."

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention either."

"Ah! So you speak Hylian sign? I am fluent as well. Might I ask who you are?"

"My name is Link."

"Oh! It's you! The swordsman I have heard so much about!"

"Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lord Ganondorf."

Is he the Gerudo King Rauru wanted to see? I should get some information. "You're Gerudo, do you know anything about the Molduga attack?"

"Alas, I do." Replied Ganondorf. "My advisor, Nabooru, was behind the attack. She thinks Rauru has too much power. But it was my fault. As the chief I should have stopped her. "

"I came to make peace amends with King Rauru."

"As you should've."

"King Rauru!" Ganondorf dropped to one knee."Again I offer my sincerest apologies for the actions of my people."

"That's quite alright. I see you've met Link! You two best get to know each other, as you'll be working together to get Link back home."

"Your Majesty?" Ganondorf asked, confused.

"If I am to accept your apology that is.

"Thank you, your majesty." he spoke through gritted teeth, before rising up and stalking away.

"What was that all about?  How does he know me?"

King Rauru sighed. "I don't trust him, but if we're going to get you home... it was the best option."

"Now you'd best rest up. We have a lot to discuss tomorrow.


That little brat. It was all his fault. if only he hadn't gotten in the way...

Ganondorf would have risen to power by now.

King Rauru, that stuck-up fool. He thinks he can boss ME around? The pride of the Gerudo?

Soon he'll learn. I have a plan. a plan that goes beyond his tiny little mind.

Ganondorf stalked down the darkening hallways. Tightening his fists, he imagined them strangling that tiny boy's neck. It was such a good feeling. He couldn't wait.

Just a little wait left. My plan is already in action. And it's way easier than before. Ever since that tiny brat appeared with his magic stone. And he doesn't even seem to realize yet! Acquiring one would be a lot easier now. If only Rauru wasn't watching him like a hawk. What he doesn't know won't kill him...yet.

Ganondorf stalked of into the night as he smiled to himself.

It would all be over soon.


(Author's Note! Sorry! I know this is so cringey! Thank you for reading and please stick with me on this journey with Link! Bye!

Next Chapter: The Battle of Hyrule Field

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