𝟏𝟒| 𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖎𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖍𝖊𝖗

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⚠️ 18+ content. This chapter is nothing but smut and a little fluff.

THE WET SOUNDS of the kiss that Happy and Tessa shared was all that the twenty-one year old was aware of at the moment as Happy pushed her with his weight against the wall of his house, a hand roaming over her side, squeezing her hip and pulling h...

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THE WET SOUNDS of the kiss that Happy and Tessa shared was all that the twenty-one year old was aware of at the moment as Happy pushed her with his weight against the wall of his house, a hand roaming over her side, squeezing her hip and pulling her against him while his free hand guided the key to the lock.

As soon as the door was open, his grip, decisive and demanding, went to her narrow waist to push her into the house, both of them stumbling into the four walls that had now become a home for Tessaᅳ a real home.

A giggle slipped past her lips as she actually almost lost her balance while trying to kick off her shoes, only to be caught by Happy. A grin formed on his lips, flowing into the kiss as he lifted her onto his hips, his hands resting under her ass to hold her while her legs immediately found their way around his waist.

Her hands were quick and pushed the leather off his shoulders, with Happy helping her by shaking off his kutte. Knowing how sacred their kutte was to the guys, Tessa didn't just throw it on the floor but turned slightly, leaned down while one arm was still around Happy's neck, and placed the kutte over the back of the couch as they passed the living room.

"You'd make a good Old Lady", he croaked against her lips that were already swollen from the kiss. "And a fuckin' pretty one at that", he added with a deep growl of admiration.

Goosebumps covered her skin all the way to her neck, her breath hitching in her throat, a look of pure love in her eyes. "Why don't you make me one?", she asked in a whisper as she let her lips ghost over his, drawing a pleasant sigh from him.

"Maybe I will." With heavy steps he carried her further through the house until he finally stood in his bedroom and let her small figure slowly sink back to the floor. "I already know that you would be one of the best there ever was."

Happy meant his words. He would never in his life think of saying something meaningful like that to a woman he only wanted to use for sex. This was as serious for him as it was for Tessa.

Slowly, and unusually timidly for him, he pushed the jacket Tara had lent Tessa before examining her nose, as well as the rest of the clothes Tessa was wearing, off her shoulders. She didn't have any clothes in the club yet, after all she wasn't Happy's Old Ladyᅳ not yet. So, why should she keep a few of her clothes in his room?

But, as much as she loved this, as wet as she was between her legs already, Tessa stopped him in his tracks by placing her hands on his chest, biting her lip while getting some air back in her lungs, still out of breath from all the kissing.

"I need a shower first", she let out a soft groan as her brown orbs studied her own hands, a mix of Cal's blood and the blood from her nose on her hands. "There's blood all over my hands."

"Like I give a shit", Happy said gruffly, the slightest grin playing on his lips. "At least I know my woman can fightᅳor isn't afraid of trying to keep me in line."

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