chapter: 1

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My memories of the curious house had always been strange even now when I look back, it terrifies me beyond belief I wish I could just forget those days, forget the monster.forget everything and just start over.but those memories are a curse that still haunt me.

Or something like that .I always asked myself the same question ever since I got involved with the house " what if" . I've been afraid of those two words, wondered about their purpose and it always drove me insane yet I always found myself thinking about it again and again,over and over.

My name is David Smith and this is my story about the secrets of the curious house . I guess my story begins where most people's story ends.I had a good life with my parents. We lived in a small town in cansas we didn't have much money but it never mattered we were happy.My life was there as normal as it can possibly get.I went to school ,had normal friends and everything about me really was nothing out of the ordinary .Until that dreadful night. Dad got a promotion that day we were heading back from a celebration it was dad's favourite restaurant.The night was dim .We could barely see ahead .I heard a honk and everything went black.

When I woke up I was in an ambulance bleeding from my forehead.Every part of my body ached ,my legs felt like there were cactus plants growing inside them.My vision was blurry I could speak but I felt like bawling my lungs out it hurt so bad, I still remember that pain .I passed out again I don't remember much but I heard a few things like "his heart rate is dangerously low"and "someone give him anesthesia" and"they're not going to make it".When I next woke up I was in a hospital bed my body didn't hurt as bad as it did but trust me what came next was pain on a different level.I tried to move but the pain Was too much . A nurse suddenly entered the room.Seeing me move she looked like she wanted to drop dead on the spot but instead she rushed out to and a little while later she came back with the doctors .The expressions on their faces looked so serious I felt like we were in the middle of a Greek war.They asked me to blink and shined lights at my eyes to check but in the end everyone eventually laxed .I tried to move my lips I tried to speak but I could only make them tremble like I wanted to weep .The doctor looked at me and sighed .

"I know you have a lot of questions but they're best left unanswered right now"he said. I could definitely hear the note of pity in his voice. Now either he wasn't trying to hide it or he couldn't.but it still gave me a bad feeling. It took about a week for the doctors to get a little relaxed around me but even then when I looked into their eyes I saw dread .One morning out of nowhere I felt an urge to explode . I was tired . Tired of how the doctors never answered my questions.Tired of how they looked at me .And then I saw the nurse in my room.

"Where are my parents?" I said trying to contain my voice.

"We will tell you now is not the right time"she said trying to calm me down.

"I DON'T CARE I WANT TO SEE MY PARENTS I WANT TO GO HOME!" I said finally giving away and what I saw next made me feel bad about myself because I saw her lip trembling I saw a small tear roll down her cheek.She simply went out of the room and came back with the doctors a few minutes later.The doctor slowly sat beside me in my bed and took of his glasses .The look on his face quite plainly said "God I wanna go home" . he looked at me and said

"David I understand why you would be so severe about this and I'm sorry for being so late on telling you this ".
I looked at him with eyes wide.

"David you just woke up a few days ago did you know how long you were asleep"he asked.

"I don't even remember HOW I fell asleep" I said .

"what do you remember?" He inquired .

"I remember riding in the car with my parents and then..,and then" I strained my brain "a sudden honk" I tried to remember something, anything .

"You had an accident David" he cut in .I looked at him .

"it's been two months David .You were in a coma for two months " he sighed .

"My mom and dad!" I said holding in a sob.

"I'm so sorry David but they couldn't make it".I looked at my hands trying to measure my loss but my mind wasn't working.My eyes started to overflow with tears .My voice felt heavy, there was a pounding in my head .I started to weep in my own hands . Nothing felt real to me anymore.

"I understand that you may have a hard time accepting it so I'll give you some time".he got up and left the room

I lay there in my hospital bed, the weight of the news sinking in. Two months in a coma, and in that time, I had lost my parents. It was as if the ground had been ripped from beneath me, and I was left in a void of grief and confusion.

I understand now that what I did was to distract me from everything, the pain, the stress all of it.At that moment I felt just wanted disappear.I didn't want to live in reality anymore.All the emotions flooding my head made it want to blow up."I wish I never woke up" I thought to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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