Chapter 01

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"That one day may be closer than you think" (This is only for my fictional characters, not you readers Your time may never come so don't get your hopes up there is a reason we read romance books, Just giving you a reality check.)


I yawned and turned to my phone to turn off the annoying alarm, If I hadn't put the most annoying ringtone to exist I would have slept until 1:30. Don't judge me it is just that my dreams are much better than real life. 

I forced myself out of bed, walked to the washroom, and took wudu. After I finished namaz I placed my head on my mat, and that is when the thought of my shadi came into my mind.

 My Dadi officially put me on the marriage mart, and according to Dadi, It is more competitive than the Olympics. 

I'm sure my marriage will happen soon cause Dadi has been getting every bachelor in the world to come to my house with a proposal.

 Ya Allah, let me find a good husband soon and make him rich, if possible. Make him rich so he can buy me a whole wardrobe of beautiful hijabs in every colour and pretty abayas mai bas yahee maang rhi hoon Ameen...

After overthinking whether I would meet the man Allah had written my name with or not, I dragged myself to sleep. 

It wasn't that hard for me to fall asleep I was out like lightning, most likely because I spent the whole night talking with a very crazy woman also known as Aliza Ahmad. I have known Aliza for a few years and learnt from those years that this lady never sleeps and never stops talking...

~ 𝑨 𝒇𝒆𝒘 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔 𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓~

" Zaina, Zainaaaa, ZAINAAAAAAA" My mom shouted from the kitchen.

"What mamaaa" I yelled from underneath my covers, was it already time to go to work??? uggghhhhh when I am at work time goes very slowly but when I am sleeping peacefully, it is the total opposite whyyy??? 

" ZAINAAAAaaaaaa, wake up now or else I will come and pour water on you" Ma screamed from downstairs. That ladies and gentlemen is where I got my impatience.

"I got up Maaa" I yelled but got no response, hopefully, she heard or she would give me a lecture once I got downstairs.

 I sat up straight before falling right back on the bed, Is it just me or does everyone else struggle with waking up in the morning?? It can't just be me.

I stretched my arms as I finally got up from the bed. I started walking towards the washroom door. "Ya Allah I look like a witch" I screamed looking at my reflection I forgot to take my kajal off after coming from work, Stupid Zaina how could you forget, I scolded myself. 

I washed my mouth, cleaned the smudged kajal off my face and wore my black abaya. the easiest thing to wear when you're running late yes I'm running late for work as usual.

"where are you going without eating your breakfast, Zaina" My dad stopped me just before I slipped on my abaya.

"papa I'm late for work" I explained to my dad who was sitting on the high chair beside the kitchen counter admiring Mama I want someone to love me like Papa loves Ma

"you woke up late of course you will be late," Mama said annoyed while flipping the pancakes on the stove.

"I'm sorry ma but please no lecture I'm already late" I pleaded trying to escape through the door.

"Aaareyy ruko, take this I have packed food for you," Mama said handing me the tiffin box with a smile on her face. Alhamdulillah, she is not gonna give me a lecture today.

"Thank you mummy you're the best," I said with a big smile taking the tiffin from her hand after kissing her cheek.

"Yes yes I know now goo" My mom said waving goodbye. Papa was busy eating but he still gave me a big smile. It's because of their support that I got this far in life Ya Allah keep them safe and grant them Jannahtul Firdaus Ameen...


"New record 15 minutes late, You told me you would get up earlier you know how much traffic there is, don't you? We should be heading out 10 minutes earlier to reach on time" Haneefa said side-eyeing me. 

"Sorry, I overslept," I said as I forced a laugh. I hope Miss Helen will not give another lecture about being late, I just escaped my Mama's lecture, and I don't wanna have to deal with Miss Helen giving me a lecture.

Zaina you just have to make it through today Easy as pie tomorrow you'll be on a flight to Aliza's Shadi, I encouraged myself but As soon as I entered the building and met Miss Helen's eye I knew it was not gonna be as easy at all.

 I was only five minutes late (Thanks to Haneefa's amazing but reckless driving skills) but according to Miss Helen I was five dead bodies late, you should have made that six Miss Helen I will also die now because I became late and made myself deal with having to look at your face

"Dr Zaina you are late, yet again. How many times am I going to have to warn you" She said as she glared at me like I killed her mother. Miss Helen despises me so it makes sense why she starts an argument about anything with me.

"Miss Helen you wouldn't want to be the cause of more dead bodies would you, Now if you'll excuse me I'm late," I said as I walked past her. 

I sighed in relief as soon as she was out of sight, I did it I got rid of that witch I mean I politely excused myself and left the conversation Miss Helen and I were having.

"The start of an amazing day at work" I sighed walking to the staff room to get ready for the exhausting day & night ahead.

 22 traumatizing 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔 𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓 ~

I was finally off work, My appearance speaking for itself how work went. My back is sore, My neck hurts, and I look like I am a zombie and Cherry on top I'm gonna have to take the metro cause Haneefa can't come pick me up.

I started walking towards the metro stop which was a five-minute walk from the hospital. I can't wait to get to bed and bury myself inside my blanket.

I was halfway to the metro station when I came across a library, A LIBRARYYyyyyyy, The House of Books. I know, I know I have a flight at 7 in the morning but books are always worth the lack of sleep.

"Oh hello dear, How have you been." Mrs Basma greeted me with a warm smile as soon as I stepped inside.

Okay, I might have come here quite a few times. ( A/N she means many maaanyyyy times) I may have also purposefully walked this way to come across the library accidentally and There also might have been another route I could have taken to avoid the Library but...

"Hi, I'm fine what about you Mrs Basma," I asked as I wandered to my favorite book section (A/N I'll let you sweethearts guess the section Zaina wandered off to... comment your guess 💗😉)


I'm very sorry I know this chapter isn't that good and I didn't put much effort into it but I'm lazy okay(and this chapter was only to introduce you to the FMC our favorite Zaina Fathima) If you want to motivate me to write a better next chapter vote and comment on this one also follow my Instagram account I'll be posting spoilers for the upcoming chapter's. I'm also looking for the FMC's and MMC's account handlers so DM on Insta if you're interested in handling it.

Your new favourite lazy author, Iraa 🌷✨

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