The Beginning.

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The sun is setting as two people sat in their living room looking over a book filled with names. The woman leaned over to look at it in the man's hands though it was difficult as she was currently 5 months pregnant.

"Oh! What about Ah Lam! It means daisy." The woman said pointing at the name on the page.

" Hm, but wouldn't it be better if our daughter had a more unique name?" The man asked his pure white eyes glancing towards her.

She took the book from his hands, her face scrunching in concentration as she read down the list of names. The man stared at her face in adoration—he truly loved the faces she made, he found them rather adorable.

"How about Luli?"

"I don't think it would fit."


"Mn... no"



"What about Yún? It means cloud, she can be our little cloud baby!" She raised her head from the book with a smile on her face.

The man smiled at her and reached for her stomach and rested his hand on it.

"It's perfect."


The grass crunched under her feet as she ran and stopped to hide behind a tree, she pressed her hand to her mouth to stop her heavy breathing from getting her found.

She pressed herself further into the trunk trying to make herself as unnoticeable as possible as the crunching of grass continued.

She peaked her head out from the tree when the sound stopped to try and see where the person was.

She was so busy with this that she didn't notice the silhouette behind her.

The figure crept closer, only revealing its position, when it stepped on a branch and broke it causing a loud crack to sound throughout the forest.

She whipped around as the figure lunged to grab her.

She struggled as hard as she could, but it did nothing. The figure was too strong.

She shrieked in an effort to get help, but it was futile as they were too far into the woods for anyone to hear her.

She continued to yell for help as the figure positioned its hands on her sides, a smirk on its face.

Suddenly she bellowed with laughter as the figure moved its fingers around her sides tickling her.

She tried to grab at the hands and pull them off as the laughter was starting to hurt.

"P-Papa-" she interrupted herself with a giggle "Stop-" she laughed again.

The man didn't let up tickling her mercilessly until her throat was getting hoarse.

When he finally stopped, she tried to catch her breath.

When she finally caught her breath, she huffed out a breath and pouted, "Papaaa," she wined "you're such a meanie." She said punctuating it with a glare with no actual anger in it.

The man chuckled and smiled looking at her with adoration, "I'm sorry my little cloud but I just love hearing you laugh."

"Wha-," she stuttered, "Well you could've just told me a joke! I would've laughed then! Even if your jokes are really bad..." she muttered.

The man chuckled and moved to stand up and brushed of any dirt or grass from his pants.

When he finished, he put his hand out towards her for her to grab, "We should head home before your mother comes looking for us."

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