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Dressed in all black clothes, disheveled hair, and uncovered feet. I found myself standing on a cold floor. The area was unfamiliar to me. i
It was a big, wide area with no covering above. In front of where I was standing was a stage, and there I saw my sister floating, clad in a white dress. She was inside a magic barrier, and her eyes were close.

My body is sore, and my throat is hurting too bad from last night. I wasn't aware that Nemesis was capable of using the magic that was transferred to her. So that was the pain she suffered when I used my magic that day. It's so awful.

This is the day that they will forged what they called the glorious one within my sick sister that will resort to none other than my death, releasing me from the torment that I have suffered all my life on this earth.

I looked around to see more people inside. It was Emerald and the three people who have been here in this academy since the day they found out about my magic. "Let's get going." That voice was from Julius, based on what I heard every time they ran a test with me and my sister.

The three of them made their way to where I was standing. One is on my left and right sides, and Julius is behind me. They extended their arms with their wands pointed at me. A deep sighed abscond my lips as a barrier of magic surrounded me, forming a circle that made me float the same way they did to my sister.

"We have thirty minutes to condense her dark magic before it erupts, so we have to be careful." I heard Julius warn his fellow people, and after that, I started to feel churning pain within me.

The feeling of lashing out my internals as I gritted and clenched my fist in pain. The sound of agony escaped in an agonizing wail as I saw the black, fuming mana escaping from my chest and following the thread that is attached to Nemesis.

Terror, weakness, and fear are devouring me, and I am unable to do anything to escape from this situation. My whole body is experiencing exceptional agony. My magic is escaping my body without my consent. It seems my mana doesn't want to leave me either, but it's being pulled away from me.

I wonder how many minutes have passed since they started the magic transfer. My fear of breathing my last breath is within me as my eyes take a last glance at my sister, who has her mouth open as if she were yelling, or so I thought, because I can't hear or feel anything.

My magic sucked out and I could feel that my magic line was disappearing slowly, which made me smile faintly. I closed my eyes and let the eternity of death succumb to me, but the last person I called out to was his.



TAMING THE UNTAMED - RAYNE A.Where stories live. Discover now