The Battle of Hyrule Field

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                                                                                 Zelda's POV

It was way too dark. She couldn't see a thing. Zelda had gotten up early with Purah to deliver their message to Dark Link: They weren't going to bow down to this Ganondaddy guy. They were ready to fight.

It had been a few months since they had lost Link. The loss still weighed heavily on her heart. She was still filled with guilt about surviving while he hadn't. 

Dark Link had been attacking relentlessly. Zora's domain and Rito village had already fallen, and they still had yet to meet the boss behind all this. All the survivors had taken refuge at Lookout Landing, which was barely standing. She felt numb to all the pain, having already been forced to watch the deaths of many valiant Hylian warriors.

A twig snapped. Zelda whipped around. "What was that?" Dark Link stepped out of the shadows. "Have you come to bow down to Lord Ganondorf? Or resist, and suffer a fate worse than death?"

Zelda stood tall. "We have come to let you know that we will never bow down to this Ganondork!"

"Knowing you will suffer a fate worse than death?"

"Yes. We will gladly stand proud for the kingdom of Hyrule!"

"Then you will die." Dark Link vanished.

His voice echoed down from the sky. "You pitiful beings trying to resist the power of my Malice!? You will die knowing you have failed!"

A large shape rose up from the trees behind them. A hinox. The Hinox was like nothing Zelda had ever seen before. It was glowing white and coated in gloom. 

"Get back princess!" A soldier shouted pushing her back. "We'll die before we let you fall!"

Crush. Another loyal soldier gone. Just like that.

 Zelda stood there frozen in shock, as the Hinox decimated the troops of Hyrule. 

Suddenly two more appeared out of the gloom. 

"Zelda! Get back to the Landing! Warn the others!" Shouted Purah, but she was cut of from sight as the Hinox stepped her way.

Zelda ran. She ran for her life. For Link, the soldier, Purah, and everyone else who had died. She would not let them die in vain. Dodging a Hinox's foot, she rushed back to the Landing. Running through the gates, she screamed. "Everyone, wake up! Hinoxes! Defend the kingdom!" 

"Where's Purah?" a soldier asked. 

"Fighting, like you should be! Let's go!" Zelda grabbed a sword and shield. Her sacred power hadn't awoken again since it fell dormant after the Calamity.

Charging out into the field, she led the remaining soldiers of Hyrule out to fight. Zelda ran up to the first Hinox and started hacking at its legs. She charged up her sword, and unleashed a spin attack, cutting the whole leg clean off.

The Hinox roared in pain and toppled over, blood spurting from his leg. Zelda took the advantage and ran up the Hinox to his head, executed a giant leap, and stabbed him straight through the eye.

One down, two to go! 

Except, one wasn't down, he was getting back up, his leg fully healed! Zelda slowly looked up. Much to her horror, a blood-red moon was rising in the sky. She hadn't seen one of those since the Calamity! 

And there he was. Dark Link, atop the castle. His voice echoed out through the fields.

"When The Glow Of The Blood-Stained Moon Shines Upon The Land, The Aimless Spirits Of Slain Monsters Return To Flesh. The World Is Threatened Once Again." 

Forgetting about the Hinox, Zelda rushed toward the castle, only to trip over a body.


Nononononono this can't be happening again! First Link, and now Purah?

Zelda picked up Purah's hand. Just like Link's, it was ice-cold.

She was dead.

Rage flooding through her body Zelda screamed. Her golden power flooded out of her in waves. Erasing the blood moon, destroying the hinoxes. But that did nothing to change the fact that her best friend was dead. 

She felt a tap on her shoulder. Looking around, she saw Dark Link.


"That I will not do. However, you show promise. I will relent and give you three days before I release my ultimate punishment. Three days only."

He vanished. Along with all of Zelda's hopes.

The Legend of Zelda: Holding Out For a HeroWhere stories live. Discover now