𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓣𝔀𝓮𝓵𝓿𝓮

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In the end, I never ended up having to kill Orochimaru. Sasuke ended up doing it, and it was a spectacle.

At the time, I had been lying down in bed, in the confines of my new room, when I suddenly heard a loud 'BANG'- basically, an explosion, coming from Orochimaru's room.

I heard noises indicating a fight. A little while later, Sasuke had come to my room and had decided to let me out, which I found weird. He burst into my room, speaking in a stern tone.

"Come on. You're finally about to be useful." He muttered, as he disposed of the shackles binding me. "What's going on?!" I ask, having no choice but to follow him.

"Orochimaru is dead. It's time to assemble forces for my goal, now. No more questions." He responded. I gave him a slight look, narrowing my eyes in the process when suddenly, we entered some experimental room. "Wait, I never agreed to this!" I respond, alarmed, but was met with a scoff.

There was a man, in a cube-like structure. It seemed that we'd be bringing him with us. "Who is she, Sasuke?" The white haired man asks, walking next to me, behind me. Sasuke mumbles, "Someone from Konoha. She's a part of our team."

"Oh?" The man asks. "I'm Suigetsu Hozuki, by the way." He says, facing me, his arms behind his head.  "Hi, I'm Emiko." I respond, a little blandly. He seemed fine, but I was worried. Did my comrades know I was now with Sasuke?

As much as I missed Sasuke, I was not willing to be his partner, I was supposed to bring him back to Konoha instead, so, I seized this opportunity to flee.

The moment we climbed up out of the hideout and into the real world, I ran. I sped away in the opposite direction, but my attempt at fleeing wasn't successful.

Sasuke had grabbed the back of my shirt tightly, and got there at the speed of light. How the hell was he so fast?! "Did you really think you could escape me, loser?" He asks, condescendingly.

I replied back, with slight bitterness. "I'm not supposed to be here. I'm supposed to be back home with you! I will not help you do anything like commit heinous crimes. I care about my comrades and my village!"

I escaped out of his grasp and stared back at him. His eyes pierced through my skull- he was glaring daggers at me, and the intensity of his gaze...unlike any I'd ever experienced.

"You can't run or hide. I'm way better than you, and I can easily make you do all my bidding. If you want to stay alive, you should shut your mouth." Sasuke responded, ruthlessly, while activating his Sharingan. Suigetsu was just observing everything.

"What the-" my words trailed off when I noticed where we were. We were now inside my mind, in front of Matatabi's cage. She came into our sight and exclaimed, "Oh, Emiko. Little child, why is there an Uchiha in your company?"

"This is the Two Tails, huh..." Sasuke whispers under his breath, assessing it. I stood there, confused and completely violated. How on Earth did he get into my mind, and moreover, how did Sasuke get into this place specifically?!


A few moments later, we were out of my mind. I uttered, "Sasuke, how..." Once again, I did not get a solid answer. He scoffed and turned around. "Let's go get Karin and Jugo." He said, curtly.

During the trip to this 'Karin's' place, I tried escaping multiple times, but each time, Sasuke skillfully managed to stop me. He either grabbed my arm, knocked me out for a little while or zapped me with his Chidori.

Suigetsu was having a field day. At last, he said, "Geez, Sasuke. Let the girl catch a break. Also, can we rest? How much longer do we have to travel for?" I'm so exhausted." "Just a little longer." Sasuke mumbled.

I had basically given up escaping now. I had tried numerous times, but to no avail. In the end, I realised it just wasn't worth it. Every single time I tried, Sasuke managed to stop me.

Internally, I was in shambles. I felt shattered seeing Sasuke so corrupted by revenge. His stoicism and harsh demeanour. Sasuke was officially cold to the bone.

A little while later, we reached another one of Orochimaru's hideouts. Over here, we collected this red-head girl called Karin, who looked pretty, actually. Except, her personality wasn't as pretty as her looks were.

Maybe if she didn't annoy us all the time, I would've actually liked her. The moment we came out, she ran to Sasuke and started walking next to him, removing her glasses and flirting with him.

I just didn't like it. I didn't know why, though. Maybe I felt protective of Sasuke, since we used to be good friends, right? I mean, him and I had a long history together. I disliked- no, rather, hated how Karin kept touching him, and the worst part?

All Sasuke did was tell her not to touch him. Whenever I tried escaping, he always made sure to be harsh and strict, but with Karin, it was almost as if he just didn't care. Why wasn't this overpowered idiot doing anything to get this girl off him?!

Suigetsu seemed to notice the shift in my expression. He noticed how uncomfortable I seemed, and mumbled, so Sasuke or Karin, couldn't hear, "He must've been really dear to you."

I was a little taken aback by Suigetsu's statement, yet, I whispered back, "He was. He still is, I think. Why is Karin so obsessed with him, though? She should just learn to keep her hands to herself, for her own sake."

𝓐𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓪𝔁𝓲𝓪. [𝓢𝓪𝓼𝓾𝓴𝓮 𝓧 𝓞𝓒] • ON A TEMPORARY HIATUS!!Where stories live. Discover now