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real life


˗ˏˋ song recommendation ; i know the end by phoebe bridgers 'ˎ˗

jules and her brothers stood at the edge of the bustling train platform, her eyes fixed on the departures board. the digital display flickered, and the arrival of the 8:15 to boston was announced in bold letters. she clutched the worn handle of her suitcase, her heart racing in anticipation, feeling how her palms were getting sweaty. she quickly dried her hands on her pants before grabbing the suitcase again, this time, a little calmer.

this was it, the beginning of a new chapter in her life. leaving behind the familiarity of her small hometown had been a leap of faith, a bold decision that had consumed her thoughts for weeks. she had always been the girl who stayed close to home, comfortable in her routines, but something had shifted within her, pushing her toward the unknown. the strange feeling in her gut of excitement and nervousness grew bigger.

jules checked her ticket once more, her fingers trembling ever so slightly. she was ready for a fresh start, for new experiences, and most importantly, for a chance to be the person she'd always dreamed of becoming. with a determined step, jules and her brothers made their way toward the train, leaving the past behind and embracing the adventure that awaited them in the lively city of boston.

as jules and her two brothers boarded the train, she felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness. the rhythmic clatter of the wheels against the tracks seemed like the heartbeat of a new beginning. she found her assigned seat by the window, stowed her suitcase in the overhead compartment, and settled in, gazing out at the passing scenery.

the journey to boston was an adventure in itself. she watched as the landscape transformed from familiar small-town sights to sprawling fields, meandering rivers, and quaint towns she'd never seen before. the beauty of the passing landscape was a reminder that her world was expanding, just like the possibilities that lay ahead.

hours passed, and as the sun dipped below the horizon, the train grew quieter. jules took this opportunity to reflect on the choices that had brought her here. she had left behind a steady job and the comfort of her childhood home, all in pursuit of a dream that had tugged at her heart for years.

the decision hadn't come without its challenges. friends and family had expressed their doubts, but she couldn't ignore the relentless call of her ambitions. she was determined to carve her own path, to chase her passions, and to prove to herself and to the world that she was capable of achieving her dreams.

the journey was far from over, and as the train continued to roll forward into the night, jules couldn't help but smile. she was on her way to a place where her heart and soul felt destined to be, ready to embrace whatever challenges and joys her new life would bring. it was exciting to say at least, but she couldn't ignore the shaky feeling that came along with it. as the train continued on to boston, her and her two two brothers had fallen asleep, waiting to wake up in a new city with a whole lot of new opportunities.

˗ˏˋ WAR OF HEARTS ; m. sturniolo 'ˎ˗Where stories live. Discover now