Rise of the Demon King

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                                               Link's POV

Link woke up early the next morning. He was absolutely starving. Wondering if they had any good food here, he slowly shambled his way out of the room.


Link turned around. It was Panji.

"King Rauru wishes to speak with you! Follow me!"

Sighing, Link abandoned all hopes of breakfast, and trudged after Panji. After a few minutes of walking, they arrived at a large set of doors. Pushing them open, Panji stepped aside for Link to enter.

The room was empty save for Rauru and another Zonai. Link had never quite gotten used to the Zonai and their weird robots.

"Ah Link! Just the man I was hoping to see!" Rauru walked toward Link. "Please, sit down, we have much to discuss."

Sitting down he handed Link a mug of tea and a plate of bagels.

"First of all, and most importantly, how to get you home. Second of all, how did you come about this?" He held up a small, yellow, tear-shaped stone.

"The mummy dropped it, why?"

"Do you know what this is?"

"No. Again, why?"

"This is a Secret Stone. It amplifies the potential for magic in anyone. The only people who have one are me, Sonia, my sister Mineru," he said gesturing at the other Zonai in the room,"and you." 

"What's your power?" asked Link, curious. He had never seen anything like this before.

"The power of Light. Sonia is Time, and Mineru is Spirit."

"Not that it matters right now," Mineru spoke up, "We need to get you home, and the only way I can think of to do that is Draconification."


Those fools. Pathetic, weak fools. They are not fit to rule this Kingdom. I will make it a better place. They don't even know I'm here, right behind their pathetic backs. As I always will, until they're dead. which won't be too long now.

Chuckling to himself, Ganondorf stalked away.

However hard you try, I'll always be one step in front of you.


"Draco-what-now?" Link asked, chewing on a bagel. 

He had heard a lot from Zelda, but never any of this.

"Dra-con-i-fi-ca-tion," responded Rauru, "And it's the worst thing that could ever happen to you. I don't even know why you brought it up, Mineru." 

"Well, can you think of any other way to get him home?"

"Well,no but..."

"Guys wait," Link was getting a headache. "What even is Draconification? I have no idea what we're talking about!"

"Well, I suppose there's no harm in just telling him is there?" asked Rauru?

"No, I suppose not."

"Great." Rauru stood up. "Draconification is what happens when you swallow a secret stone. It..." he swallowed, "...it causes you to lose your soul, mind, and body."

"To become an immortal dragon...is to lose oneself."

Wait, hold up. Immortal dragon? Am I hearing this right?  Link was so confused. Trapped between asking for lunch and asking if he could do it, he signed, "Can I eat it for Lunch?"

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