𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚎𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢 𝚁𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚜

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1) If you are Homophobic, Transphobic, Racist, Sexist, and so on. Please leave, I won't hesitate to block you. I don't want to deal with that.

2) Smut/sexual content is okay but I prefer to do it in discord or something.

3) I do not mind cursing and you are allowed to do that but please don't over do it.

4) please don't spam, it annoys me.

5) If there is any trope that you'd like for a roleplay then please let me know and we can talk about it! Some tropes might be hard to do but I'll always try my best. Also plot will most likely be talked about before starting a roleplay so keep that in mind. In some cases we can just wing it and see what happens but I sort of prefer to at least have the basic plot down and we can just continue the roleplay from there.

6) please be equal in terms of lines, I always try to do the same amount of lines but sometimes fall short of a few lines mainly just one or two. I would like it that everyone does the same with me, of course if you can't keep up with lines that's fine just no one-liners please.

7) Headcannons are of course allowed, I quite enjoy seeing headcannons for specific characters or a duo and I really enjoy the creativity of them. I myself have a few headcannons for characters as well as ocs so they are definitely allowed. Be as creative as you want!

(so you know these were taken from my roleplay book, go check that out if you want the full rules.)

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