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''Are you excited Leah?'' my aunt asked or the fifth time trying to strike up a conversation;

I slowly looked away from the window to look at her, she had brown hair and light green eyes, almost like my mother except mum was well.. prettier and more unfortunate, I looked just like mum and dad combined, dad's jet black hair with mum's emerald eyes.

''Sure'' I replied dryly;

''Listen, I know things might be tough Leah but at least try to find the good in all...'' I cut her off there;

''Find the good? Remind me again what's good about this, my parents dying? Family members stealing most of what was in MY name? Some men being after me so that the company that's left in my name will be Aunt Cherry's? Or the fact that we keep moving because we're not safe, ANYWHERE?!'' I said tears almost spilling out of my eyes, ever since I was 6, my parents got killed, same day, same time, dad was having a public speech, and was shot to death while mum was in her car on her way to dad's speech, turns out a bomb was planted in her car, both died at the same time, 10:57.

I had no idea why they were killed at that time but it was stupid to me anyways.

''Well, this time, you're gonna stay in this school for the whole term'' Aunt Maria said and smiled, she was trying to give me some form of positivity but I was blank.

''Sure'' I said and stepped out of the car, slamming the door shut.

I was really looking forward to what was gonna ruin my life this time causing me to switch schools.

''Leah!'' my aunt called out and I turned to look at her, she ran up to me giving me a locket;

''Your dad bought this for you some weeks before he was killed, he wanted you to have it Leah, he expected what was coming his way, he just didn't want you to worry;

I looked at the locket, it had an initial on it, 'L' for Leah, then it was a circle shape, I collected it from her and opened it, Mum's name, Sabrina and dad's name, Thomas. I closed it;

''Thanks'' I said and turned heading towards school, this was sweet but dad expecting his death?

There was more to this for sure, I looked at the locket in my hand, some dots were really connecting you know...

A/N:- Hey there guys, Ria here sooo some of this chapters may be short cuz I'm not really into writing for long rn but the book might be long with lots of romance,  mystery and thrillers to come your way.

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