Peppas Family

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Peppa pig has a small family, first up the fat sausage, aka daddy pig his favorite hobby is stuffing his face with large doughnuts and washing down with 8 gallons of beer. Daddy pig has never gone for a jog in his life.There has been rumours that daddy pig started starvation. Moving on, mummy pig, who we like to call - the porkster- Mummy pig has had 67 divorces, daddy pig will be her 68th soon-they have been having marriage issues. Mummy pigs favourite hobby is to hack Russian kids on fortnite and stealing their skins, mummy pig is currently on the run from the slow police, she has killed 163 people, one of them being Adam Sandler. The wasted bacon(peppas grandparents) grandma pig, who is 2853 yrs old, suffocated peppas goldfish goldie, what a basic name. Grandpa pig who has a crush on peppas little brother goerge, has a garden of fruit and veg growing from dead bodies underneath the ground. Last but not least, the crybaby who has to get his way with everything goerge, peppas little brother has a crush on her best friend suise sheep and he is a furry(he wants to be a dinosaur). 💅Raawr💅

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