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I pushed Nidal around, and we stayed in silence.

Peaceful silence.

The cool breeze brushed against my face, cooling me down.

My phone buzzed, and I checked the messages.

"Who is it?" Nidal asked, trying to look at me.

"Just Jiji. Do you want to meet up with Ryder?" I replied.

"Yes, I haven't seen him in ages!" He said.

"Okay." I mumbled and replied to Jiji.

I slipped on my Converse, and Jiji pushed Nidal out.

"I wonder if he has changed his hair." Nidal said. Jiji hummed in reply.

"He's over there." Jiji said, pointing over to a figure.

He came over smiling.

"Hey, I'm Ryder!" He said to me.

"Y/n."I replied.

Nidal and him greeted each other and started talking as we walked to the park.

"So Y/n how are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm good thanks, what about you?" I responded.

"I'm good too." He said. He walked over to me, and we started to talk.

"Let's race!" He yelled, and he ran off. I laughed and started running after him.

"Ryder, wait for me!" I shouted as I caught up with him.

We both reached the park and slowed down laughing.

Jiji and Nidal were coming slowly in the distance.

"Come on, let's go onto the roof  of the slide!" He said and started climbing. I followed after him.

"Woah, this is pretty high." He said, looking down.

"Yeah." I replied. He started to climb down.

Before I knew what I was doing, I did a double flip off the roof.

I landed perfectly and then yelled out happily, punching the air.

Ryder landed next to me, a look of pure shock on his face.

I laughed at his expression, and he burst out laughing, too.

The gate opened, and Nidal and Jiji came in. Nidal had a weird look on his face.

"Yo Nidal, did you see Y/n just now? This girl of yours is crazy!" He said.

Nidal smirked.

Ryder grabbed my hand and ran to the swings. I had to admit I was having a lot of fun with Ryder.

After meeting him, we started hanging out more. Nidal was getting grumpier day by day, and I tried to figure out why, but he just ignored me.

"Y/n, I'm really sorry, but I have some horrible news." Nidals mum said, sitting me down. Nidal was in the corner playing on his rubix Cube.

"It's your parents they haven't made it." She said. I couldn't move. I tried to get some words out, but nothing came out.

Finally, I managed to get something out.

A scream.

I fell off the sofa and squeezed my hands over my head.

I heard his mum leave to give me space.

"No!" I yelled. It wasn't true. This was a prank. Yes, it's a prank for a video!

I sat up, no tears coming out.

The only thing inside of me was pure anger.

I stood up, my legs trembling.

"You alright?" Nidal asked. Oh, so now he would talk to me.

All it had taken was for my parents to die!

"Oh shut up, you peice of -" I was cut off.

"Woah woah, Y/n!" Neshan said, walking in.

"You shut it too!" I yelled.

"You are a terrible friend. All you have been to me for two weeks is grumpy, and you ignored me! After everything I have done to help you." I shouted.

I walked out of the house, the door slamming behind me.

"Hey, I came straight away. What's up!" Ryder said, sitting next to me and wrapping his arms around me.

"I just. My parents died." I said. Oh, so now the tears had to come!

I burst into tears.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry!" Ryder said.

"Me too." I replied.

"Hey, maybe this could help?" He said.

He closed his eyes and leaned towards me.


Something 'bout You [Nidal Wonder x fem reader]Where stories live. Discover now