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He had walked.

For how long, he did not know.

He knew of the concept of time, he knew that there was Days, Months, Years. Yet there was no 'time' where he was, in fact, he didn't even know where he was. The only thing he knew was sand, Large rocks, small tree like objects, and Darkness.

He knew of the concept of Growth as well, but he never grew, he was always the same.

He had hair, he had hands, legs, head, torso, feet, tail, eyes, mouth, horns, but they never changed. He knew what he was, he was a 'Hollow'. He could only guess it was because of the hole below his neck.

He knew of the concept of Learning and Knowledge, but he had never learned anything, or done anything to gain Knowledge. One Day he just started existing, whether he was born, created, or like he thinks, just started existing, he was Alive.

He just knew. He knew what he would call the Basics, the things everybody should know. Yet there was no everybody, it was just him in this wasteland.

He was alone, and he had hated it once. At first he was interested, what baby isn't interested in what's around him. Then that interest slowly turned into confusion, then anger, then sadness, and finally emptiness.

He was confused as to why he knew there was supposed to be people, his people, but there was no one. Then he became angered at wherever he came from for putting him here, in this hell. He was then saddened by the implications of his anger, he would be alone, forever. Finally after what he thought had been decade's, he just started to lose feeling. There was nowhere to use his feelings, to put his feelings, and eventually, discarded them all together, in the end, they would only bring him sadness.

The only thing that kept him going was the power that was inside him, it had always been there, the feeling of being more, his instincts told him so.

One day he found it, he described it as a lake, a massive lake filled to the brim with water, he could feel it in the air as well, although it felt somewhat different.

He could draw from the massive amounts of water in the lake. He had learned how to take the water out of the lake and use it physically, although what appeared in front of him wasn't water.

It was a black glowing substance that he condensed in front of his horns into the from of a ball, his instincts told him it was dangerous, and it certainly was. He took more and more water out of the lake, and soon realized his mistake, he lost control of the black substance, and in an instance the black substance shot forward like a lazer, disintegrating everything in its path, he stared in shock at what he had just done.

He couldn't tell the exact damage the lazer had done cause he couldn't see, but from the sound of sand rushing to fill the space he had just created was enough to tell him he had created a considerable hole in the land in front of him.

The name came to him, the substance was called Reiryoku. The lake in his mind must have been the amount of Reiryoku he had at his disposal, and the energy in the air was call Reishi. It wasn't hard to figure out that the larger or more condensed he can make the Reiryoku, the more dangerous it would be.

It also wasn't hard to figure out that if their was some way to discharge this Reiryoku, then there was most likely a way to collect it. He could feel the power comeback to him, although it was slow, every time he breathed the lake in his mind slowly but surely replenished what was missing, The Reishi in the air seemed to flow into him, making sure that his reserve of Reiryoku was replenishing.

This power seemed to make sense. He could somewhat control the Reiryoku in his body, whether that meant Reinforcing his Physical capabilities, or Condensing Reiryoku to create a Lazer Like before.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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