"Hesitation" - Prologue

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"A long time ago, Witches and other beings with powers were scarce and would be killed the moment they were seen. Few would stay in hiding so they could reproduce and never die out.

Eventually, they gained enough strength to fight back against humans, and their power only grew from then, due to that, people stopped seeing them as curses and instead saw them as blessings from the heavens.

They became rulers and ruled over kingdoms, but the most well-known and prosperous kingdoms are the ones ruled by the Seven Wonders.

They've been the most powerful beings ever since non-human beings began gaining strength and power. They're believed to be sent from the gods themselves, heck, some people believe a few might actually BE gods.

People think his way because of their unique mind-control, emotion manipulation and overall unearthly levels of power.

The third is definitely the weakest, but still powerful nonetheless. seventh are a pair of twins, the two most powerful of the wonders, and are even able to grant wishes for other wonders as well as their people, they can even use their abilities on other wonders. They keep the peace and make sure the rest of the wonders are in check and not turning to tyranny.

In the past, the Minamoto clan were able to weaken the strengthened witches and unearthly beings but most were wiped out for defiance while trying to kill them all, so they fled and hid to regroup. They couldn't let their bloodline die out, they were the only ones capable of making weapons capable of harming the strengthened beings.

Then after Grandmother was born, the clan vowed to never let the royals know the bloodlines hadn't been wiped out, since the Minamotos were believed to all be dead.

They started going undercover, under the lastname "Nakamura", which is the name of the place our ancestors fled to, it's far away from all the kingdoms, if anything it's closest to the kingdom ruled by the Yousei, which are mostly pretty harmless.

That's where we come in, Tiara! We're here to kill the royals and bring back peace and freedom to the people, since the third wonder was known as the weakest, they sent us here to improve our skills!

Teru-nii, our parents and grandparents are in the kingdom ruled by the seventh wonder, since they're the strongest of the wonders, they need as much Minamotos as we can get if we plan to kill them. They couldn't send us since we're still training. I know we've killed lesser beings before, but they don't think we're ready to join in the mission to kill the seventh yet." Kou finally finished explaining to his younger sister, who stared at him, amazed by the story. "And you won't have to worry about failure! I believe in us! I know we can do it, if we prove ourselves with this mission, maybe they'll let us join them!"

Kou smiled at his sister, confident in their abilities. "We'll be fine as long as we remember what we were taught and what the plan is, You ready, Tiara?" he picked up his sister and spun in circles while holding her up. They both giggled as this went on "Ready!" Tiara spoke, determination in her voice.

Kou smiled wider, glad his sister was confident and determined to achieve their goal. "I've gotten into the school they say the third wonder attends, since he's around my age they still need him to go to school. You need to make sure you memorize his schedule and pretend to be a lost child whenever he's nearby and try seeing if he takes you with him to his palace, if that doesn't work we always have plan b and c."

"Understood, Kou-nii!" Tiara saluted, pretending to be a soldier since kou sounded so serious. The two of them started laughing together.

"We start in two weeks, Okay? So you still have time to prepare," Kou reminded, trying to reassure his sister.

"Okay" the young girl agreed.


The first day of School began for Kou, he made sure to arrive early, looking around as he passed some areas, though making sure not to look too frequently to avoid suspicion.

As the school day went on, Kou mostly focused in class, though so far he had made no progress. For the first few days, he still made no progress, and Tiara hadn't managed to find the right opportunity to start the plan, every time she tried, some actual homeless person would yell at her and she would end up smiting them the moment they were alone. That was until the week after he first started going to the school. During lunch time, he saw a bunch of students clearing the way, making a path for someone he couldn't see due to the crowd. 'That must be him!' Kou thought, trying his best to see past the crowd. Eventually he managed to make it to an area where the person was actually in view, the moment he saw them, he could swear the boy had used his powers on him with the way his heart started beating out of his chest and his face was dusted with a pink tint.

He was a slender and relatively tall middle school-aged boy with pink hair and eyes. He had a mole under his left eye and has medium-length hair with bangs that cover his right eye, and the back of his hair is tied up into a small and short ponytail with bobby-hairpins holding it up. He also had a teal helix piercing on his left ear.The boy wasn't wearing anything that most might expect a royal to wear, He was wearing a yellow scarf with light brown stripes and a long-sleeved pink sweater over the Kamome Middle School division uniform; its sleeve covering his right hand. If Kou didn't know he was a supernatural being he'd have sword it was just a normal person, though the boy's appearance was androgynous, Kou already knew he was a boy (due to ofc getting info on the target before he was sent on the mission).

Kou shook his head, slapping his cheeks as if trying to snap himself out of it. He had to focus. This was an important mission afterall, and now he knows what the target looks like in person.

So why was there a gut feeling telling him not to kill the boy?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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