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real life

unfortunately, all good things come to an end, and it was time for school to start. since jules is seventeen, she's a junior. her brothers had graduated one and two years ago, which made her the only child in their family who was still a student.

new school with brand new opportunities, she was excited, but that nervous feeling in her gut just wouldn't go away. picking an outfit for the day, and throwing in everything that she could possibly need in school into her small bag. jules ended up wearing some low-waisted jeans and a pale wool sweater. before heading downstairs, she picked her bag up and threw it over her shoulder. 

jules sat at the kitchen table, her hands cradling a warm bowl of oatmeal. the aroma of cinnamon and nutmeg filled the air, a comforting embrace on this school day in the fall. outside, the leaves had begun to turn, painting the world in shades of amber and gold. jules peered through the window. as soon as the girl had finished her breakfast, she started her journey to school. it was a crispy and cold morning, but the morning daylight had reached the streets deepest shadows and the sunbeam lit up the path in front of her feet. her travel to the school was coming to an end, when the big structure got visible around the corner. there was a big sign, welcoming her to the school.

jules took a deep breath as she walked through the polished hallways of her new school. it was the start of a new academic year, and she was excited, yet slightly nervous about this fresh chapter of her life. the scent of freshly waxed floors and the distant echoes of chatter filled the air, underscoring the bustling energy of the school. her destination was the principal's office, where she'd collect her class schedule and textbooks for the semester. as she approached the office door, she couldn't help but wonder about the new faces she'd meet, the challenges she'd embrace, and the knowledge she'd acquire on this educational journey.

jules had always had a talent for school. she was excellent in every class, always impressing teachers. she didn't like school very much though, it gave her a lot of anxiety, even though you couldn't tell. the girl was now stood outside the principals office, taking a deep breath before entering the small area. seated in a comfortable looking chair in front of her was a woman, most definitely in her forties. she looked up at the sound and a big smile formed on her lips.

"oh hello! you must be jules field! welcome to boston highschool, we hope that you'll have a great time here and that we live up to your expectations." the principal kindly spoke, as jules glanced around her, scanning every wall and the posters that were taped onto them.

"that's me! thank you for such a kind welcoming. i got an email saying that i was supposed to head here for my schedule and books for this semester?" jules questioned, making sure that she had actually understood the email, and wasn't completely in the wrong place. the principal nodded, and reached down to the floor, where a package was placed. she opened it carefully, pulling out a few books and then a thin paper with her schedule. jules accepted the books, and then finally took her schedule. a pair of keys with a number were handed to her as well, supposedly going to her locker. with everything in her arms, the girl hurried to the locker, trying to avoid dropping everything.

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