~ACCISMUS~ CHAPTER 43- weird behavior

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Dwhyte ended up spending the night by his brother and let early the next morning to his childhood home. The weekend was soon approaching, and so was his plans with his girlfriend to visit her family. Dwhyte had stopped by the house and changed every beddings, laundered them as well as did some dusting.

He went to shower next and cook just a small quantity of food for his trip back and to eat that they moment.

Since the funeral, he hadn't been back here. With his pops dying, there was till noise around the house, but since his mom too- it had gone excessively quiet. The silence was ear-piercing. Had a pin drop it could echo around the entire house. The pictures on the walls from the first step to the top of the last stairs was a reminder of what it once was. The emptiness in his chest had returned.

The plushiest and knitted soft furnishings on the sofa were his toys when he was a child. It was funny how his mother could keep things until forever and still they didn't even look like they were that old.

The thirty year old wiggled his toes as he took off in the distance. It was something he always did when his mind had gone far.

He hadn't gone to her tomb yet. Dwhyte as well as the funeral home saw to it that his mother was buried right beside her beloved husband. His coming home after this long while was enough process, and the guilt he felt for not coming back ate at him. It wasn't work this time, he promised he wasn't deliberately avoiding anything.

"I miss you guys so damn much. You couldn't imagine."

He relaxed into the couch and glanced up at the white bland ceiling. The spaghetti bologna stains were still there. He laughed when he remembered the laps he received for throwing it up there.

"I'm grown, but not enough to be out here by myself." His eyes glossed, but he could already hear his mom's voice. Like she always saying stuff that 'she was watching over him.'

And he tore up even more. Though their bodies were all the way out, but their spirits resided there are home. He felt closer to them there ironically. This was their sanctuary, his inclusive.

"A lot happened since you left Ma." His phone vibrated and he paid no mind to it. This was his place to be vulnerable and actually comfortable. "I travelled all the way to Santigel for a business trip. The plane ride had messed me up but I promise in better." He smiled remembered how Catherine was back and forth with his throughout the entire ride. She saw to it that it was okay. Everyone treated him kindly.

"At work, I guess were getting a long more. The trip sort of bonded us." She knew how he didn't really get along with majority of his co-workers. He was getting invited to the small coffee breaks and group activities.

"I got the divorce from Drian." He exhaled and allowed for a breath of fresh air. With a smile, as if feeling refreshed in his spirit. His hands clasped.

"My brothers and I are getting along really fine. They are supportive of me. And I love them a lot." Dwhyte smiled. The tears were leaking out of his eyes, he could imagine her smiling. They were closed young, but he was glad as to how it was at the moment.

"And this woman." Dwhyte smile amidst the desperation. "I'm praying because I love this woman a lot. She just makes me happy; I know you guys would've liked her."

He got up and took a sip from his drink, just a taste of the soda. He had a strict sugar-free diet but the frizz was a crave.

"I'm just hoping for the best for us. A lot of praying because I want it to work so freaking bad." He pulled the suede dark blue box from his pocket. Opening and closing it ever so often with a nervous smile on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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