29. 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 (01) (16+)

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I removed my shirt and made my way straight towards the window of my room. Y/n is in washroom, today's night is really going to be so long for my little babygirl.

I chuckled at the senories of my mind. I removed the silver chain from my neck and take out the ring, while admiring the ring my eyes glisten with tears of agony and happiness. Isnt it's a happy feeling to get proposed by your girl?

Yes, of course it is. But sometimes things repeat itself. My attention draw back when a pair of soft arms wrap around my body from back, a small smrik crept on my lips when I recognise the arms.

I turned and yank her closer by her waist, "Well, this ring look good in your fingers more then in my chain.", I said showing her the ring while I hold her left hand, my smrik fade away when I found her still wearing the engagement ring of my brother.

"What happen?", Y/n asked with confusion and look at her hand, she then look back at my face. She sighs and removed the ring from her finger and threw in the dustbin in the corner.

"Is it fine now?", she asked showing me her hand, i chuckled at her action and slide the silver ring in her ring finger, "Yes, but will be more fine if you strip."

At my comment she hit my arm when I quickly lean in and capture her lips in a tender kiss. It was full of love and care towards her, filled up with softness and my enchanting desires for her I held from so long. Her arms wrapped around my neck drawing me closer as her lips rub against mine wanting more.

Her soft lips left a moan of satisfaction and please, and a smrik crept in the corner of my lips. The soft kiss turned into a harsh one when I wrap her legs around my torso lifting her up and supporting her with my hands under her hips.

She tried to pull from the kiss but I wasn't ready, "You're so dirty.", she mumbled between the kiss as she whimper in please.

I chuckled and deattached my lips from her still standing in the same position, my fingers drawing circles on her back which is visible from her nightdress, "I know I am and only for you."

I started deep in her soul through her hazel eyes, "Can I my darling?", I asked with my lustful eyes, she bit her lips in nervousness but nod slowly with low lashes.

Her this reaction made me chuckle darkly at her, with again I lazily atached my lips with her softly sucking on her lower lips while my steps directly move towards my bed which is situated in the corner.

Her arms still wrapped around my neck, her soft pair of lips moved on my softly sending sign of pleasure in my body. I made her sit down on the bed, her back lean against the headboard of the bed.

I pulled off and she open her eyes frustrated and confused, i smriked and take my black tie from the corner of the bed, "What's going in your mind?", she asked blinking her eyes innocently which made me smile smugly.

I lean in, separating her thigs siting on my knees between them and leaning more closer. Her head moved back trying to maintain the distance between us, when my lips was about to touch her, her dark brown shiny eyes shut down with shyness.

With that kiss I hold her friagle wrist in my hold wrapping my black tie around them and then tying the second end with the headboard, "What's this?"

"Just something.", I whispered huskily near her ear while she tried to free her, "It's not gonna work."

She give up and lean her back on the headboard, i pamper soft kisses on her neck when she moad loudly which satisfy me. My warm lips grab her soft skin in my mouth and suck them softly.

"Ah.", she moan seductively making me hard, she is playing with me, I really can't control, I said in deep and husky voice, "I want to be deep inside you and bang you hader that you scream my name with you mouth to let everyone know whom you belong too."

She hum in response with her eyes closed out of pleasure, I removed the strip of her night dress from her shoulder which is covered because of my love bites, her shoulder really look incredible on her.

Her dress fall and I removed it from her body while my hands moved on her thighs and inner thighs sensually gaining sinful moans from her, as her dress fall from her body, my mouth watered seeing her big and heavy blossom.

"Already prepared?", I whispered seductively while my lips touched her shoulders. Her eyes closed because of shyness, "I don't wear bra while sleeping."

Her eyes is still closed, I frown at her and grab her heavy blossom in my big palm gaining a painful moan, i whispered seductively at her, "Open you eyes, i want you to look at me while I do those dirty things to you."

She shook her head with her reddish cheeks, she make me frown again, "Open your eyes or i will stop."

Her back arched in pleasure while her hands stuggle to get free. I can feel how badly she want to hold my hands or touch me, but it's my time to toy her and please her for me.

I squeezed her blossms in my palm, she pressed her lips together trying to suppress her moan, "Do you want me to stop?"

"N..No," she whispered in her trembling voice, i smriked with proudness, "So, tell me what you want?"

Her eyes is closed tightly, I again squeezed her blossms with my hand and she pressed her lips together again, "I..Y..You."

I lean down to her ear, pressing my lower area against her clothed core which feel wet because of my previous action, "You want me? How badly?", i said as a seductive whisper.

"Y..You're so dirty.", she whispered in her trembling voice when I chuckled darkly squeezeing her blossms without any warning which made her leave a satisfying moan, "How badly you want me?"

"So..", she whispered, her eyes still closed which is making me feel irritated, i want her to look at me while I do this things to her.

"Open you eyes, or i will stop it.", I said seductively while my fingers caressed her clothes core's verticle lips, she left a whimper and shyily open her eyes.

Without any warning I thrust my middle finger in her core moving her panty aside, and she moaned with her eyes closed in pleasure.


Author's Note:

Well, guys ignore my grammar and spelling mistakes. Tell me if I did it some where. I will correct it. Well, enjoy this smut chapter and next will come out tomorrow for you.

Love you guys.

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