¿What if Loki controlled Hulk's mind in Avengers 2012?

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To: Mark Ruffalo, Tom Hiddleston, Joss Whedon, Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios                          Intro
¿What if events went differently in Avengers 2012? ¿What if Loki took control of Hulk's mind during the Battle of New York? In today's fan fiction we're going to be exploring what would've happened if Loki had been able to manipulate Hulk causing destruction during the Chituari Invasion. ¿How can this affect Age of Ultron, Infinity War and Endgame going forward? ¿Will Loki win the Battle of New York with Hulk by his side? This is an original what if created by me following the mythology of Loki and Hulk and the timeline of the MCU. Without wasting anymore time sit back and relax and enjoy this fan fiction.

The location is Stark Tower where the events of Avengers 2012 were playing out the same as in your universe. Now, in this universe the reason Loki's scepter was lost was because during the battle with Thor on top of the Stark Tower the scepter was found by Black Widow after confronting Dr.Selvig to find a way to shut down the Tesseract that would eventually end the Chituari army from coming down to Earth but in this universe some of the events unfold differently. Loki had confronted Thor as Thor asked his brother to come back to the light and face up for what he had done. Loki smiled as he yelled at Thor that he would rule this world and that he was already too late since even if he wanted to end this fight he couldn't. "There's no way to end this. "There is only war" Loki stated as he charged towards Thor. The both of them began hand to hand combat with Loki wielding the scepter and Thor dodging his attacks with Mjolnir. Loki and Thor were held in a lock with both of them staggering. "¿You think this will end your rule?" Thor said. "It's too late" Loki replied. "No. We can end this together" Thor said back. Thor extending out his hand towards Loki as Loki looked around and he knew that although he was beaten by Thor he could play the long game and he thought of a sick plan. He smiled as he took Thor's hand and in this universe it changes everything. Thor grabbed the scepter. "¿How'd we turn this off? Thor asked. "I don't know" Loki said. Thor took Loki by the hand as he flew towards the machine that was powering up the Tesseract but the heroes down below continued to fight like the original universe since while trying to formulate a plan Captain America knew that Thor had confronted Loki and sensed that something might not be right. "He should be here by now" Cap said as Hulk and Black Widow had a small look of concern. "We need to get back to Stark Tower and stop him. If we can shut that portal down we can stop the army from coming in" he said as Hulk smiled. "I'll go" he said as Hulk jumped towards Stark Tower. As the heroes continued to fight on the ground most of the Chituari army were flying around past Loki who was with Thor and Selvig with some of them looking to get more orders from Loki. They were confused at the turn of events and as they flew past Loki and Thor they saw that Thor had the scepter in his hands. Loki looked confused as they continued to fly away but a group of Chituari flew back into the portal in space and touched down into the ship. They bowed as a large Mad Titan who was sitting up on his throne sat up. "What is the matter" the Other asked. "We have been betrayed" the soldier replied as he showed footage of Loki and Thor trying to shut the portal down. The Other then turned towards Thanos who was angry at the turn of events. "What's our next move" he asked as the Mad Titan got up from his throne while back on Earth the Hulk jumped from building to building defeating more of the Chituari army below but he finally made his way back to Stark Tower and Loki smiled with a grin. As Thor thanked the big guy for looking out for him the both of them then turned at Loki as Loki told Thor to give him the scepter since he would use it to shut the portal and stop the invasion. Thor looked at Hulk and then back at Loki. He trusted that his brother wouldn't do anything stupid because Hulk was here and Hulk could easily kill him. Loki then looked towards Selvig who was still on the ground and being controlled by Loki. He laughed and told them that he would be the one to do it as Thor gave him the scepter. As he was about to shut the portal down Loki smiled and took Selvig by the neck snapping it and throwing him off of Stark Tower killing him for good. Thor screamed but he was stabbed in the gut by Loki as Loki had shape shifted and used the fake Selvig as a diversion. The plan had worked but Loki pointed the staff towards the chest of Hulk as his eyes started fully going black while the Hulk screamed in pain and Thor who fell on his knees was kicked to the ground by Loki. Loki used it on him too but Thor's eyes were engulfed with black as they stood still like mindless zombies willing to do Loki's bidding while Loki now with the scepter in his hand laughed and he sent Thor and Hulk to kill the Avengers. The two of them jumped off of the tower as Loki continued to laugh while at the other side of New York the rest of the Avengers were starting to feel the effects of not having Hulk and Thor aid them in the fight. As Captain America and Iron Man fought with Hawkeye and Black Widow back to back the 4 of them continued on their assault but there were being closed in and fast. Iron Man used his repulsors on Cap's shield creating a massive beam that cut through the soldiers as they both turned to see that Hawkeye was shot in the leg and Widow screamed trying to use everything that she could to save him but he was shot again and wounded pretty bad. The shot blew off his leg as Tony flew towards some of the Chituari but he was also shot in the chest and making him fall back. Captain America just looked on as he used his shield to kill some of the soldiers while both Tony and Cap moved Clint out of the way. They called for Fury and told him that they had a man down. Fury told Tony to hold on as he tried to reach both Thor and the Hulk but they couldn't wait as more soldiers came inand continued to shoot at the team. Captain America used his shield to dodge the attacks as he screamed to Tony to see if he might be able to track them down but Tony shook his head and said that he couldn't and just out of nowhere the ground began to shake as lightning came down striking Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow and Hawkeye all seamlessly at the same time. They screamed with intense pain as Iron Man slowly opened his eyes while everything was blurry but he could hear the scream of Steve Rogers. "Banner no" he said as Tony saw a large silhouette from the fire of a car and it was a large Hulk who stomped his foot on the Black Widow almost killing her. Then, he grabbed Captain America and proceeded to strangle him but Tony threw himself towards Hulk while Thor launched his hammer at Tony. "They've been corrupted by Loki" Cap said as he continued to cough out blood. Hulk smiled and punched Steve in the face knocking him a few feet away into a car. The car door had stabbed his shoulder and he was impaled. There, he tried to move but he couldn't while Hawkeye began crawling away with only a leg and he managed to hide by a nearby car. Loki looked up from the portal as he began seeing a large ship slowly coming through the portal and he knew this wasn't good. He even considered shutting it down but it was already too late while back where the Avengers were at Ground Zero Hulk and Thor looked up as they saw a large ship slowly looming above them. Tony Stark slowly got up and flew towards Cap who was bleeding out. He used his armor to cut part of the car door that was stabbed into him while they both looked up seeing the ship just standing still as a large large beam shot down at them and a figure came out. He was standing tall with a dual sword. "So this is what Earth looks like" he said as he looked around to see Thor and Hulk who were standing in the middle and he looked to his left to see Iron Man and Captain America wounded. Loki took his scepter and rushed to Ground Zero. Although Loki hated his brother Thor he knew that if the Mad Titan had arrived on Earth that he wouldn't spare anyone so Loki left as soon as the ship touched down while Hulk charged towards Thanos and they started getting into a fight while Thor also helped Hulk. The both of them began punching the Mad Titan with so much force that the Mad Titan drew blood and without any of the stones it was raw power. He charged in and tried to stab Hulk in the chest but Thor using his hammer knocked Thanos in the face with it. Loki came down and told them to stop as Hulk and Thor stood still. "This is some type of misunderstanding" Loki said. Thanos slowly getting himself backup looked at Loki as he told him that he was a traitor but Loki smiled. "So be it" and ordered Hulk and Thor to kill Thanos. The Mad Titan tried to gain the upper hand but he lost his balance as Hulk punched him in the knee and Thor used his hammer so hard that it cracked the skull of the Mad Titan. Loki was watching the fight unfold and he was punched in the face by Black Widow who was covered in blood. At the same time Hawkeye threw his arrows at Widow who launched it into him but as Cap and Tony looked at each other Captain America threw his shield towards Loki while Iron Man blasted him. Loki was sent flying into a building while the connection between Hulk and Thor was destroyed. They both fell to the ground as Fury told Tony that they were nuking New York City because of the ship and the invasion was becoming too much for them. He asked if he could grab it but Tony's armor was destroyed as Fury took out his pager knowing that he couldn't count on anyone and within moments the nuke started flying towards Thanos's ship. As the nuke started coming in a beam of energy intercepted the bomb and flew it into the portal. Everyone realizing what was about to happen as Cap grabbed the staff and told Fury that he had it with him and that they could use the scepter to shut it down but he was already too far and within each passing moment Captain Marvel touched down smiling at the heroes but she took the scepter and pushed it through the machine and destroyed it. Some of the impact did come through Earth though shaking some of the buildings while the heroes tried to take cover from the nuke that went off in space but everyone was shocked to see the unfolding events as Loki was arrested for his crimes and Thanos the wild card from all of this was now killed and this left Ronin the Accuser and the Other to grab power together while at the same time Hawkeye lost his leg but Thor and Hulk took the longest time to recover as the connection between Loki really hurt them. Thor decided that Hulk wasn't not safe on Earth and that he would take Banner to Asgard so that he could recover there as well. They took Loki's scepter and the Tesseract to Asgard too. The Avengers then brought Captain Marvel onto the team as she would take up those slots that Widow and Hawkeye once had. The world was saved but with many costs while Gamora and Nebula both smiled as they found Earth and they would soon invade it with Ronan...

And that is going to be ¿What if Loki took control of Hulk's mind during the Battle of New York in Avengers 2012? ¿Now what did you'll think about this insane what if and we're you'll expecting these events to actually happen? Because when I was writing this I was like I got to make this very interesting and the only way that Loki would've been able to control the Hulk is if somehow the Hulk would've come back but Loki would've had to win the battle between Thor or essentially joining him and tricking Thor so I think it would've been really interesting to see Loki take full control of the Hulk's mind because then you start seeing things go absolutely berserk and having Thor as a wild card and actually have Thor and Hulk teaming up to kill Thanos. That was another thing I wanted to do because I went like let's have the Chituari think that Loki is going to betray them so they inform Thanos and Thanos comes down but he doesn't have the Power Stone nor any stones and so he gets completely annihilated by Hulk and Thor easily. Now, the power vaccum is empty now and is like oh we have Ronan and the Other who are both still alive and well. We also have Gamora and Nebula who would eventually join Ronan and ¿what would they probably do? It's very interesting to see ¿what happens now? ¿Do you'll want part 2? Because I don't know what we would call this now since we could have Hulk and Thor in the Dark World and I think that would be really interesting. So, with all that being said thanks for reading this and be on the lookout for more what ifs coming soon. As for me these are only my stories. I observe everything that happens but I can't, won't and not even think about interfering because I am danny306watcher. See you'll soon.

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