Lookie here... A Death P.A.C.T. Head Cannon I posted about... And A NEW ONE???

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I'm back from a party! It's 1:28 am as I'm writing these words, Imma sleep now... 

No i'm not sike lol.

Have an Olivia Rodrigo Head Cannon:

All Of Death P.A.C.T./Again listens to & LOVES Olivia Rodrigo. They all also have certain songs by her that they loathe.

Remote - Ballad of a Homeschooled girl - Because she's homeschooled & only went to school in high school

Liy - Jealousy, Jealousy - Because she used to be insecure while she was in the EXIT

Tree - Get Him Back! - It kinda runs in the family. Leafy, Floory, & Grassy all love it too.

 Pen - Deja Vu - because it gives him Deja Vu & makes him think about his childhood. (we can't question it.)

Marker - Love Is Embarrassing - Self-Explanatory. He's one of the only single people on DP & HATED all his previous partners.

Bottle - All-American b!tch - Used to feel like this song when she was younger & the song kinda lets her vent out all her emotions.

Black Hole - Brutal - He felt like this in High-school

Pie - Pretty isn't Pretty - I head cannon she has Anoxia

Pillow - Obsessed - I don't think I need to explain this one...

Lightning - Bad Idea, right? - Lightbulb & Lightning here both realized they were still in love with their exes... he fell for Snowball... AGAIN

Fanny - Vampire- Feels like this about Pencil & Match

Lol Imagne someone draws Annoucer walking in on them all vibing to Olivia Rodrigo... 


Remote ~ Viola, which she learned for her father/Announcer, & Electric Guitar

Liy ~ Violin

Tree ~ Saxophone

Pen ~ Marimba

Marker ~ Marimba

Bottle ~ Sitar

Black Hole ~ Oboe

Pie ~ Picciolo

Pillow ~ Ukalele

Lightning ~ Flute

Fanny ~ Clarinet

Lol okay now time to ACTUALLY sleep.

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