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I was meeting Salish for lunch as we hadn't seen each other in a month. Her channel was having loads of questions such as 'where is Y/n?', 'did you two fall out?', 'is she dead after the accident?'. So Jordan is going to film a Q&A, and I'm going to be in it since most of the questions are about me.

I put on some baggy cargo jeans and a white halter neck crop top. I added a silver necklace and did my hair.

Nala was going to be there too, and I was going to be able to take her back here.

Once I had finished my makeup with the guidance of Jiji, we headed to the kitchen, and I made pancakes for everyone.

There were seven people, including me, so I made twenty-one. You do the maths.

After breakfast, I took Nidal on his daily walk and chatted to him about how much I missed gymnastics and that I would have lost every ability I once had a month ago. 

Nidal disagreed, and he made me do some flips to prove he was right. After his walk, I taught him how to play drafts.

Then he had a nap whilst I called Salish.

When it was time to go, Neshan drove me, and I jumped out and waved goodbye. I then sprinted to their house, and Salish met me at the door.

We both knocked each other over in our ferocious hug. Jordan laughed from the kitchen door, and it looked like he had caught it on camera.

We both laughed and got up. Nala was in the garden. I ran over, yelling her name. She jumped up onto me, knocking me over for the second time.

I hugged her, and I admit I let a couple of tears out. Jordan didn't film that, thank god.

Then we sat outside on some chairs, and Jordan asked us questions, and we answered.

"Where is Y/n?" Was the first question.

"Well, Y/n has sadly moved to Australia, so we won't be seeing her again." I said, trying not to laugh. Salish cackled, and that broke my seriousness.

"Have you two fallen out?"

"No!" Salish said so sternly that I fell off my chair laughing.

After we had answered loads of questions, Jordan finished the video, and we played outside.

"So, are you and Nidal a thing now?" Salish asked.

"No. But I've had weird dreams about him." I replied.

"Like what?" Salish asked.

"Dancing in the rain after prom." I said, making a face.

Salish laughed.

We had lunch at a restaurant and then I had to go. We said goodbye and hugged for ages before Neshan managed to pull us apart.

I sat in the car.

"How's noodle?" I asked.

"Outside with Winston and the other ducks that still haven't left." Neshan said, pulling into the drive. I chuckled and got out of the car.

"Noodle, what did you have for lunch?" I asked, jumping over the fence.

"Noodles." He replied, grinning. I shook my head, smiling.

"How did it go with Salish?" He asked.

"Amazing and Nala is here! Jordan is going to drop off all her stuff. Also, Jordan suggested I moved in with them since they had two spare rooms." I yapped.

"No, you can't leave me here!" Nidal said dramatically.

I gently pushed him.

"Oh, and by the way, I need to ask you something important." He said.

"Shoot." I replied.

"Y/n, I was wondering........

Sorry, guys, another cliffhanger! 🤣🤭

Something 'bout You [Nidal Wonder x fem reader]Where stories live. Discover now