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"I was wondering if you could tidy my room for me? It's gotten so messy! I could like help by cheering you on."

"You're kidding?" I said part of me, wishing yes was going to ask something else that deep down inside of me, I hoped it would have been that.

"What wished I had asked you out?" He laughed. I laughed along with him.

"As if!" I joked.

"Well, maybe I will ask you out!" He said. I didn't know if he was joking or nit butterfly's erupted in my stomach, but I quickly stamped them out.

"Okay, I will tidy your room." I said, sighing.

Nidal did a victory dance, and I chuckled.

"You better make the most of me. I am leaving in two days." I said and got up.

"Nidal! Bye!" I shouted, waving from the car window. Salish leaned out and waved as well. Before I had left, Nidal was cracking jokes about me leaving, and now it was actually happening.

He waved until we drove out of sight. I sat back in the car seat and rolled the window back up.

"I can go back to gymnastics now." I said, smiling. I hadn't been in ages.

"There is a completion in four weeks. I wonder if you will be allowed to go." Salish said, looking at the website.

"I wonder if the leotards still fit." I said.

"Don't be silly. You've only been gone a month, and if they don't, you could borrow one of mine." Salish said.

"I'm really looking forward to staying with you guys. Jordan, do you know if I will be staying with family or someone?" I asked.

"I'm not sure isn't the rest of your family in England?" He questioned.

"Mhm." I said, staring out of the window. Hopefully, I wouldn't have to stay all the way over there.

"She can stay with us permanently." Salish said.

Jordan laughed.

We arrived at Salishes house, and all my stuff from my old house was set up nicely in the spare room next to Salishes.

I practised gymnastics with Salish, and then we had tea, and I got into my leotard that yes still fitted. 

I put on some Nike shorts and my puffy cropped black coat over. I filled up Salishes Blue Stanley that we shared for gymnastics since it was so big and a packet of lime chips for after.

I excitedly jumped out of the car when we arrived, and we started our lesson. I was allowed to join in with the competition, and all lesson, we practised our beam routine.

When we got back, Salish taught me the floor routine in the garden, and I practised and practised. Nidal had called me, but my phone was on silent, and I didn't realise until we were getting ready for bed.

"Oh, Nidals been trying to call me." I said as Salish and I stood at the sink in the bathroom doing our skincare.

"Call him back. Put your phone there so he can see you and make sure he can see I'm here too so he doesn't say anything." She said, chuckling.

"Oh shut up, he's not going to say anything." I said laughing. I called Nidal back, and he answered straight away.

"What happened? How come you weren't answering!" Nidal said freaking out.

"Gymnastics practise in the garden. Sorry, my phone was on silent." I said.

We all yapped to each other whilst Salish and I did our hair and cleaned our teeth.

"Going bed now, byeeee." I said and hung up. I went to my room and scrolled through tiktok for a bit before going to sleep. Nala slept next to me, and I cuddled up to her.


Question: Do u guys like my life with the walter Boys?

I made a book about Isaac Garcia 🤭💗


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