Volume 2 Chapter 18 - Witness

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"We look for perfection in art because it doesn't exist in life anyway." - Jasper Fforde

POV: Otomura Yujiro

The next day, all our classmates began to pass on to each other the information they had found about the witness.

But listening to the conversations, apparently, they could not find anyone.

Ike: "Huh... can we really prove that Class "C" is the culprit?"

Hirata: "If we can find a witness, then it is quite possible. Let's do our best, Ike-kun!"

Ike: Before we start doing our best, we need to understand if there are any witnesses at all? Sudou only said that he vaguely sensed someone's presence, right? Couldn't this be a lie? After all, he is cruel and often provokes people."

Hirata: "If we continue to doubt him, we won't be able to do anything. Do you agree?"

Ike: "Yes, that's true, but... if Sudo is guilty, all our points will be cancelled, right? We will start from scratch again and go back to our hard life without any pocket money. Our goal is to continue to live for our own pleasure will remain just a dream."

Hirata: "Then we can start scoring points again. Only three months have passed since the beginning of the year."

In fact, even if a year passes, there will be a chance, but...

This will not lead to anything good.

Ike: "I think our points are priceless. This will affect our motivation, won't it? Therefore, we must do everything to preserve them. Even if we're only talking about 87 points."

Hirata: "I understand how you feel. However, I think it's dangerous to be so adamant about saving points and lose sight of reality. The most important thing for us is to protect our close comrades."

If I asked him one delicate question.

I wonder how he would answer that.

Ike: "Even if Sudou is guilty?"

Hirata: "Nods his head."

You better not become a police officer in the future.

Karuizawa: "What Hirata-kun says is absolutely true, but I still want to get my points. Each month, Class A students receive approximately 100,000 points. I envy them very much. There are people who constantly buy stylish clothes and accessories. Compared to them, don't we look pathetic?"

Because we are pathetic...

There's no point in saying it in your head.

"Why didn't I get into A class from the very beginning? If I had studied there, I would be enjoying life now."

"I would like to study in class A. Then I would have fun with my friends all day."

I doubt they have time to rest.

There are 3 classes breathing down their necks who want to take their place.

You need to maintain your position at all times.

The best place will be in class "B".

Ike: "It would be great if there was a trick that could help you instantly get into Class A. Otherwise, accumulating class points will be so difficult..."

Chabashira-sensei: "Luckily for you, Ike, there is a way to instantly become Class "A"."

Suddenly, Chabashira-sensei entered the classroom.

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