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jules woke up by her alarm practically screaming in her ear. the girl groaned loudly, before turning off the alarm and getting up. she did her morning routine, washing her face and putting on primer before sitting down to begin her makeup. it was a process that usually didn't take her more than twenty minutes, so she was good on time.

finally finishing up her makeup, she got up and changed into the outfit of the day. it was a pair of low-waist blue jeans and a sweatshirt. her hair was just plain straight because she didn't have the energy to fix it this morning.

grabbing a cup of tea and some cereal as her breakfast, she settled down into their couch, reading through today's schedule. they had a short day today, starting at nine am and ending at one pm since it was wednesday. the sturniolo triplets new video also posts later this evening, which i'm excited about. after ten minutes, her tea cup was empty and her stomach was full. she walked out of the kitchen and then put her shoes on, ready to walk to school. she had thirty minutes to walk there, so she wasn't too stressed out.

arriving at the school, she saw her classmates entering the building as well. the girl went to her locker and dropped her bag off, before checking her schedule quickly. seeing as her first class was math, she wanted to slam her head into her locker door, but stopped herself from doing it right before the bell rang. jules hurried to class, being one of the last people to enter the classroom. mr fitz scribbled down a few numbers for us to solve, while the class settled down.

jules started working on the numbers immediately to avoid needing to do them afterwards. the seat beside her was free, and william had already settled down in the back with his friends. the girl's heart sank slightly, but she ignored it and decided she was being dramatic about it. jules calculated a few numbers before lifting her head and glancing at the whiteboard again. she was almost done, meaning that she could leave a little bit early if she turned this paper in. she quickly filled in the last answer, getting up and handing the assignment to mr fitz, who looked pleased that someone was paying attention in class. he scanned over the girl's assignment rapidly before glancing up at her.

"you are free to go, well done ms field!" the teacher smiled at her, letting her exit through the classroom door. "thanks mr fitz." she spoke, exiting the classroom with her stuff all gathered into her arms. jules went straight to her locker, putting her calculator and pencil in.

jules sat down somewhere alone, opening text message. she scrolled through her three missed texts from her mother, asking her how school was. the girl shortly responded, saying it was good before turning her phone off. a few seconds passed, before she heard footsteps coming in her direction. a tall dark-haired boy became visible. jules had never sighed that quickly. she glanced at him, which he obviously noticed.

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