🌶️Chapter 12 | My safe place

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"Quick!" Teresa screamed at her daughter from the car. Mary just put on her shoes and was now locking the front door. It didn't really made much sense because her window was shattered and everyone could go inside, but her mother insisted on locking them.

"Hide the key!" The woman screamed again. Mary did just that. But something caught her attention. Under the living room window was a golden watch, laying down in the grass. She picked it up. It seemed that it fell off her stalker's wrist the previous night.

"What's taking so long?!" Teresa got angrier. "Get in the car right now, young lady!"

"Yes mom" the girl shoved the watch inside her pocket and quickly got into the back seat. They drove away in silence. Teresa decided they would visit her cousin- Karina Hawksley. Mary loved her aunt. She was an amazing woman. Her youthful appearance was a huge contrast to her mother. Karina had long, straight, black hair and blue eyes. Even though she was older than Teresa she looked young and beautiful. She had a husband and a daughter. Her husband, Richard Hawksley, was a great guy. He was helpful and always smiling, just like his wife. He was bald and had a short, brown beard. Mary's uncle had his own company that he inherited from his father. She didn't know what exactly he was doing, but it wasn't something she considered important to know. Their daughter's name was Stella. She was 20 years old and taking a longer break from college to work and save some money. Her appearance was very similar to Karina's, but she had her father's grey eyes and brown hair. She was Mary's only cousin that decided to stay in touch with Teresa. She wasn't surprised though. Her mother was difficult.


Mary came back home a few hours later. Her mother dropped her off at home and drove to work where she'll stay until the morning. The girl layed down on her bed. That's when she got a phone call from Lucy.

"Hi bestie! Are you busy?"

"No, I just came home."

Her friend had great timing, that's a fact.

"Well" Lucy giggled. "Is your mother at work already?"

"Yes" Mary got up and went into the kitchen to get a glass of water for herself.

"Do you want to go to the gas station with me? We'll get some snacks and watch a series at your place. You in?" Lucy asked.

Mary poured some water in a glass and took a sip.

"Of course I'm in!"


"We'll take some of these" Lucy grabbed a pack of chips and cookies.

"I think that's enough" Mary giggled. "I have some snacks at home as well."

"Alright" Lucy went to the register happily. Mary kept her eyes on her with a smile. Her friend put everything inside her bag and came back. But then as they were about to leave a familiar man went inside.

"Hi girls" Alexander smiled. "What are you two doing here?"

Mary looked outside and saw a black, 2017 Audi A4. The only car there so it had to belong to him.

"I didn't know you have a car..." She got curious. "I never saw it."

"Probably because I don't keep it next to my house" the man smiled. "But it still needs gas."

Mary looked at Lucy who got more pale than she normally was. Now she was as white as a sheet. The man checked his phone.

"It's almost 9 o'clock. Do you girls want a ride home?"

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