𝐢𝐯. snowflakes

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𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄─── ・ 。゚⟡ 𑁍 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───જ⁀➴     𝚂𝙽𝙾𝚆𝙵𝙻𝙰𝙺𝙴𝚂    𖥔 ݁ ˖ ❫

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─── ・ 。゚⟡ 𑁍 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───
જ⁀➴ 𝚂𝙽𝙾𝚆𝙵𝙻𝙰𝙺𝙴𝚂 𖥔 ݁ ˖ ❫

A GASP LEFT her lips as Aaliyah was pushed into the snow by Madelyn, making her hair all wet.

"You better be grateful today's wash day," She narrowed her eyes at her as Madelyn shrugged and helped her up, Valeria recording with the digital camera they shared.

"Okay, so what's up? You wanted to meet up and it's a Saturday, make it worth our while," Valeria said jokingly, a playful smile on her face as she gently nudged Aaliyah to start talking.

Madelyn had readjusted her beanie as she turned to the two, walking backwards to get a good view on Aaliyah's facial expressions.

"So," She held in a deep breath, her eyes glued onto the ground as she racked her brain for the right words. She wasn't really a person to talk about her life, especially when it came to relationships. A subject she had no experience with, but heard so much about.

It felt odd.

"So?" Valeria raised her brows, as Madelyn tilted her head as she examined Aaliyah's body language, before opening her mouth to speak.

"You finally found the one that makes you all giddy?" Madelyn took a guess, a smile appearing as she waited for an answer.

Aaliyah's lips formed a line for a moment, "Somehow, yeah,"

"That someone you just found is the person you've known for years?" Valeria continued on, making Aaliyah let out a sigh filled of mixed emotions.

"Yes, yes," She meets their eyes for a moment, before going on to ramble, "It's fine, y'know? Happens to everyone..." She said, but she was just not used to all of this. "Is it? See, I don't know. All this is new and I don't know if I'm going into this with the right mindset or am I being very dramatic? Or do I have the wrong idea? And I'm ranting," Aaliyah took a deep breath.

"Liyah, you possibly know more about relationships than any of us do because of all the things you heard. If you're giving him a chance—fuck that, if you're giving yourself a chance to love, then yeah. It's probably what you think it is," Valeria spoke with truth, glancing at the girl beside her every few seconds.

"Really," Madelyn nodded, "You're scared, I get it. It's normal, but trust me, the way you look at him—the way he looks at you. A girl can only dream," She let out an exasperated sigh in sarcasm, getting a nudge from Aaliyah once Madelyn went back next to her.

"Okay," Aaliyah let out a very needed breath, "I kinda wanna make snow angels," She laughed as she stared at the pile of snow on the ground next to her as she walked carefully on the sidewalk."

"Oh, we're definitely doing that," Madelyn agreed while Valeria looked around until her eyes stuck on something.

"Oh, there," She tilted her head to the direction of where grass always was, but since it's winter, all there were was snow. Valeria then grabbed their hands and pulled them with her, making them almost fall in the process, until they actually did when their feet hit the thick layers of snow.

"Why am I being pushed into snow today?" Aaliyah said out of breath.

"Your special day," Valeria said in a sing-song voice, "C'mon, snow angels, right?"

They did a few, ruining some to replace others with, taking pictures for memories as they threw snowballs at each other.

"Fuck you," Valeria covered her face as Aaliyah threw two at her, making her gasp as she went to make another one.

"Okay, I surrender!" Madelyn put her hands up as suddenly the two turned on her, making them laugh.

Aaliyah gave herself a high five, "This is how you win, losers."

"Who are you calling loser?" Madelyn gaped, smacking Aaliyah's head gently, making her laugh even harder.

"Respect your elders," Valeria shot back with a playful glare.

"You're a year older, big deal," Aaliyah raised her brows as she rolled her eyes.

"I mean, yeah, but you didn't need to bring that up," She grit.

"Okay, don't hurt me," Aaliyah ran away, rushing to not get one more bruise on her as she laughed. Truth was, they didn't even hit her that hard. All the bruises she got were from her being clumsy, and for the most part, she didn't know where they came from, "A snowflake landed on me!" She paused in her tracks as she saw one on the back of her hand.

Madelyn blew it away, "Bitch," Aaliyah attempted to kick her, but almost fell in the process.

"Don't do something you can't do to save your life," Madelyn shook her head, "Sometimes life isn't all about taking risks."

"Look who's talking," Valeria immediately responded, making Madelyn part her mouth in surprise.

"Okay, change the topic. I don't like this."

"What? A taste of your own medicine?" Aaliyah pouted, but moved quickly to not give her a chance to hit her on her arm, "What do you wanna eat?" She asked from afar, head turning every bit to see if they actually gave it a thought.

"Pasta and hot chocolate, I don't wanna hear it! It's a good mix. You're full and cozy," Valeria put her hand up before anyone could bash her.

"If we get food poisoning it's your fault," Madelyn was quick to say.

"Don't be dramatic. Your ass will go to lengths to skip school. Also, we will not be experiencing any pain, shut up," Valeria crossed her arms with a hidden smile.

"Okay, kids, hurry up!" Aaliyah said, still ahead of them as they chuckled at the childish bickering they always seem to go through when together, and Aaliyah always being the one to break it up or add to it.

"Watch your words," Valeria warned as she pulled the girl beside her to catch up with Aaliyah.

"Watch your words," Valeria warned as she pulled the girl beside her to catch up with Aaliyah

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🏹 𝐀𝐑𝐘𝐀𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ... !
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