Backstory 1 ( Christian )

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This all began in Los Angeles, California where the siblings were born and raised, they attended Oxford Academy Cypress, CA when they had begun their high school life. Cam easily fit in with anyone and everyone, she easily was known as the talk of the school while Christian in the other hand didn't enjoy his new high school life. The school was too big and too many kids attended the school.

He didn't have anyone as he didn't enjoy socializing with students but he did get along with one teacher, his name was Mr.lopez he had him for Art, Christian would sit in there usually drawing or doing school work as he was an all A student in his grade and never missed a single day of school. his sister Cam was the opposite of Christian and she would be in the average range, passing her classes. she would also skip a lot of school and get in trouble a lot with some friends of hers.

Whenever she in fact would get in trouble for some reason it was always was Chris fault of the reason she got in trouble for and there mom would believe that he should always be by her side and even would say "If you were with her then she wouldn't have done it" there was times he would argue with his mother and she would get angry and she once even slapped him, her own son. After that Chris decided it was better not to argue or else it would go worse.

He would hate being home and he felt school was his only escape place to leave his home life behind for a few hours before going back and having to deal with his mom and sister there was some days his mother acted like a two sided face and it was when there father would have dinner and whenever he was at his father's for the weekend

Over two years ago there parents had gone to court because of his mother have an alcohol problem and the father was rarely home to even keep an eye on the kids and whenever he would come home he would find Cam arguing with there and Chris would be hiding in an area that they made when they were younger in case anything terrible happened, they started using it after their mother started drinking and soon the moment Cam would start becoming a trouble maker in school and that's when that place became useless because cam knew where to find him

As time went on Christian kept himself busy by doing different type of clubs at school and helping staff around, which that kept him busy from going home, As the end of the semester came to an end he was helping doing some files in the office when he noticed there was going to be 2 new students who were known to reckless he had gone perfectly fine the first two years of high school with no problem even though he was known as the loner no one messed with him. Into the day those two new students

He had showed them around campus as instructed by the twacher and he also showed them to there classes with his luck. He had them in his class for two of his classes. The two kids tried befriending him but Chris would decline because he knew they were up to no good and he didn't wanna be like them getting into trouble.

There is times that they ask him for help in school work and he would help them which sometimes it would lead up into him doing the whole assignment and when he would not like to do the assignment he would get in trouble by them and there friends who would beat him up into he learned that he can't say no to them

Months went by like this into one day they all received a letter in there locker that a masquerade party will be hosted a month from now and Chris was not planning on going into he heard the two students walk behind him and talk about it and they went over to him

They questioned if he would attend the party and at first he was going to say no but he could sense the cold stare they were giving him as if they wanted him to attend, he sighed and said he would think about it instead of saying yes right away

His sister Cam on the other hand could be seen already getting her outfit ready for the party, Chris started looking for a suit and he found a black one that could match his chess mask that he bought a while back

He went and started to get ready to see how it'll look on him and as he looked into the mirror he put on his mask as he sighed he looked away as he looked too much like his father and that's what his mother hated about Chris

As they were getting ready there mother yelled out for them and she sounded worried, and they have never heard her so worried so when they did they ran so fast downstairs and they had asked her "what's wrong mom?" Their mother sat them down and she paced around looking...sad,heartbroken and worried as they also saw their father's new lover and their heart broke as they felt something bad happened to their father...

As they sat down and there mother and there fathers lover sat down they told them the big news about what happened as they were hesitant on telling them there mother broke the news first "Your father he...he got in an accident and didn't survive" Chris and Cam froze in shocked as they started crying and mostly Chris who looked up to him and kept him safe from his mother, there mother hugged them both and she even apologized to them for everything she has done and caused them

Chris cried out and he hugged his mother tightly and he didn't let go of her as he didn't know what to say or even do now...into he finally spoke saying "W-who caused the crash?" The mom looked at his son as she didn't think he would ask such a question but she answered anyways "The police says two eighteen year old students who were drunk driving" Chris eyes widen and he got mad cause he knew exactly who it was and he felt hateful to them now what they caused and he wouldn't let them get away with it but first he knew he had to be sure it was them who caused it

His mother looked at him and had a sad looked a look he never seen her give him and as she spoke she said some words he never believed she would tell him "Don't do anything stupid, I can't lose you as I lost your father" he looked at her but didn't say anything and soon cam and Chris went to there rooms

As the night came, Chris stayed awake and he is planning something he never would believe he would attempt, he got everything ready and he sneaked out of his house and he took his car and drove near the police station but made sure to hide his car from the cameras as he reached his destination he walked into the police station and he asked about the car incident with his father and to his surprise they told him it was two eighteen year old suspects who attend Oxford academy Cypress.

He asked if he could see the suspects faces and they showed him the faces as they were being taken to court by Chris's family as he left he knew he would have to get revenge because the police tend to do nothing when it comes to these type of cases unless the victim is young usually they do something as they don't want to be sued as that's all the police station cared about, nothing else.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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